Read this story myself today in the paper. I also shows some other horrific pics of other animals which have been murdered by evil people. Or badly injured.
One pic showed a pregnant dog with a weight tied to its collar to weight it down in the water and was drowned. There was a pic of a horse which had been starved. There was also a pic of a cat that had been shot with a crossbow arrow, the arrow had gone through it's neck, the poor thing looked like frankensteins monster. Apparently the cat survived the ordeal. Then there was small dog that had been starved to nothing more than skin and bone, I think it survived it's ordeal however but I am pretty sure all the animals which survived will be mentally scared for life after such ordeals.
Can you imagine how the owners of poor spot felt when they saw the pic of their beloved pet hanging from that tree. That was the first they knew about his ordeal. It wasn't until the micro chip was scanned that it confirmed that it was their spot.
The people that do these things need stringing up themselves or even given the same treatment that they give the animals so if they have starved an animal then they should be starved themselves etc.