The strange habits of my fire eel


Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jul 8, 2002
Reaction score
Essex - Westcliff
I have a fire eel - about 12-14" long, nice and plump even though he only eats twice a week but it drives me crazy. He lives under a large piece of wood, coming out at night only - in fact I very rarely get to see him. He has this habit of laying under the wood on his side with his mouth wide open, like an old man snoozing. Every time I see him do this I panic and think he's dead, so I move the wood and he immediately burrows himself in the sand leaving just his twitching nostrils out. Does anyone else have one with strange habits?
nothing like that, my BGK lays dead like that I'ved got used to it now.

my fire eel only come out once the blue light is on then he even hand feeds.
Is it a planted tank? My eel prefers alot of plants. When my tank was sparsely planted he would bury himself. Now its fully planted he comes out night and day, any time im there basically.

As for the laying on the side like an old man snoring thing i have no idea. Could the sixe of the log he goes under too small hence forcing him to adopt this position?

if he is eating, and comes out at night i wouldnt worry too much gadazobe! :)
Thanks for the input - He's in a 100 gallon, non planted tank - sand and a couple of pieces of really big wood. As long as he eats I suppose I've got nothing to worry about.

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