The strange, and various functions of a “foot root”

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
So, I have several pothos growing out of my tanks… pothos, will send out “foot roots” which are pretty amazing appendages they can attach themselves to the smooth white board, that line the wall’s above my built in tanks, and seem to find places and ways to attach themselves, almost like they can feel, or have eyes, or dare I say… think… I’ve noticed that typically, if they run into the waters surface, that they stop growing, and don’t extend themselves into the water… but I have one, that’s continued to grow, mostly a straight appendage like the ones above the surface ( they don’t typically spread out like a root ), but this one has started sending out branches, under the water… some of these vines are approaching 15-20 feet long, and maybe this is far enough from the root ball, that the plant determined, that it needs more water or nutrients brought in, closer to the tip of the vine??? This is that foot root…
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This is the plants root ball
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This is what they typically do… these are attached well enough, I would likely damage the plant, if I tried to remove it.. if you zoom these pictures enough, you can see there are micro hairs, that somehow attach to the white board
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