The signs r not there, so now what?


Fish Fanatic
May 24, 2004
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I have platys, mollies and guppys....I have lost about 4 batches of fry due to akk the sign u lookout for that a preggp does before she drops arn't there.My fish don't lay on the bottom, they don't hide, they don't, and they sure don't stop eating...It is very urgant that I raise some fry due to all my friends has orders in for them(lps has sick fish) So I desided to raise my own...I have set up a 10 gal, just to be a maternity ward...I don't want to move them in any earlier than I have to. I have 1 black lyre tail molly (my very fav fish) she is pregnant, is there something on there body, or another way I can tell when there ready to drop?...If they have them in the big tank, all the fish will follow her ever where she goes and picks the fry off as they come out. Thanks for any advise I can get...
When she's nice and plump and just about ready she should start looking squared off. She'll be pretty close by then

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