the shrimp pellets are really fogging up my water

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Fish Crazy
Feb 6, 2004
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in a riceball far far away in other words northern
today i did like a 90% change and i put my fish in a bucket for about 5 mins
i know im gonna get yelled at but i like watching my fish and its scary when you cant see them and barely can see the others

i was wondering none of my fish (pleco 2 corys dwarf gourami and a molly)

none of them are really touching the pellets and they turn into this sponge and when a fish swin by it like gets really really small and then starts floating around the water.. i was wondering should i just stop feeding them it in general because every1 says all their fish love those things
yea I'm in the same boat, I have an 80 gallon tank and I have cut back to only feeding shrimp pellets once a week because I am sick of doing extra water changes because it makes the water cloudy.
all my fish love them especially my angels and gouramis even my tetras like them
my tiger barbs love them....

my cories or CAE dont really seem interested in them though
st.cichlid said:
dont feed them it feed them wafers ALGE EATERS HATE MEAT (well cept zebra plecos)
My Rhino pleco Loves shrimp pellets :blink:
There are alot of diferent kinds of meat you can feed them. most flakes have meat in them and most pellets/ tabs do to. Try catfish tabs or sinking granuals.

Edit St. Is wrong many "alge eaters" eat "meat" as part of there diet e it carion or small invertabrates or even slime coats off of other fish.


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