I've read from numerous sites, that you can technically keep red tailed black sharks together as long as you stock 6 or more to spread the agression. My current understanding of rtbs is that if you put them together, they fight to the death.
Can anyone comment on wether keeping large groups of rtbs would work or not? Many people rehome their rtbs because they become agressive as they mature, i am sure more people would stock them if there were other ways to keep them, like keeping them in large groups in a large tank sort of like a cichlid or tiger barb comunity?
Can anyone comment on wether keeping large groups of rtbs would work or not? Many people rehome their rtbs because they become agressive as they mature, i am sure more people would stock them if there were other ways to keep them, like keeping them in large groups in a large tank sort of like a cichlid or tiger barb comunity?