The right fish


New Member
Feb 10, 2005
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I have a tank with 3 platies, 5 neons and 5 guppies. i was wondering what other fish are ok to put with them, im quite keen on the blue and dwarf gourami's?
Nope - dwarf gouramies are colisa lalia, blue are trichogaster trichopterus.

You don't have room for any more fish but, if you ever do, you would be able to keep a couple of dwarfs but you need to keep in mind that though they are small (2"), the males are territorial and most of the fish (the colorful ones) you see at LFSs are male as females are dull so don't sell that well. Dwarfs are also known to carry disease due to weakened immune systems caused by excessive in-breeding. They come in several color morphs such as flame, blood red, neon blue and powder blue.

Blues, on the other hand, are three-spot gouramies. Three-spots come in several color morphs as well - amongst these are opaline, cosby, lavender and gold. These can get to 5" with large males getting to 6". Males, in particular, can be very aggressive and I would not keep more than one male in a tank under 55 gallons. Females can also be aggressive towards other fish but are not so bad towards other gouramies. I would advise against keeping blue gouramies in a tank under 20 gallons as they need space to swim around. I consider these to be the hardiest and easiest to breed of gouramies.

In your case (if you had the space), I would suggest honey gouramies which rarely grow much over 1.5-2" and which are not particularly aggressive or territorial. A trio would do well in a 15 gallon.

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