The Quietest Air Pump.

Tiger Tiger

Fish Crazy
Dec 7, 2006
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I purchased a Air Pump which said 'Quite Operation' ...maybe by Jumbo jet standards yes! :blink:

Any suggestions as this goes in the reserve basket.

300 litre tank.
If it is one of those "whisper" ones, mine takes a while to "warm" up and then it runs quiet. Try running it for a little while you are at work or whatever and see if it quiets down at all.
It will also matter where you place the pump. If you place the pump on top of a hollow box, then the box would just applify the sound. The best way to make any airpump as quiet as possible is to place it on top of a rubber mouse pad. Or you can suspend the airpump with a net or something.
Tetratecs range are quiet, however there is no such thing as a silent pump,
due to the vibrations created by the diaphram moving in an occolating manner.
also the actual bubble stream adds to noise level.

if you want silence then buy an air compressor, site it outside your home and run a pipe into your tank
but then you'd still have the noise of the bubbles :p

to sum up
IMHO tetratec is the way to go :good:
Try oiling it. Get a little veggie oil and put a few drops into the intake of the airpump.
Course you could always use 3-in-1 or 5w-30 but then you'd have hydrocarbons in your tank water o_O
The quietest air pump i have seen was in the lab at school.

The pump had a vertically mounted magnetic disk (about the size of a cd) part of which was located in a transformer.
One side of the disk had a pin attached to it. Connected to the pin were 2 horizontally opposed pistons (Think of a steam train). As the disk rotated the pistons pumped air.

I remember that it made virtually no noise at all.
Has anyone else seen these type of pumps?
My HI-TEC one is well quite I mounted it on some foam sicky pads upside down on a hard surface cant hear it now I think on rubber feet they buzz around to much!

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