The progression of orange...


Addicted and in Therapy
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Wichita, KS
For those of you who haven't seen Arthur, my orange plakat male from Kelly, he needed update pics. His color has changed dramatically in the time that we've taken pics of him, so I have to show them all. Here he was as a baby. He was so pure orange, that's why I picked him. :hyper: :wub:


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Here he is when I got him. Oh how I love thee, Arthur. :wub: :D


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And here he is today. Can you believe it?? :hyper: This picture isn't very good, but you get the idea. He's beautiful, I actually am quite happy with how he has turned out. I wanted a pure orange orginally, but how can you deny how beautiful he is with the black accents? :D

Edit: Fixed the color on his pic a tiny bit, he was looking more pink than he is. :rolleyes:


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Julie! He has more black than any of them!! And he started out the purest of all :eek: Orange boggles my mind, but I love it. He looks quite rugged to be honest,I like it.

One of the oranges who went home with a friend of mine a few months should see him now! His entire face is completely black,but the rest is clean. He only had freckles when he left here. But he's wicked looking :)

Arthur :wub: What a little cutie pie punk :p
:D I feel special that he has the most black. :p He feels special too, he quite likes the adjective "rugged". :flex: (Though he's really the sweetest things ever, with those long flowy ventrals. They remind me of his dad - they cross at the tips whenever he lets them hang. :wub: ) Anyways, I think it's so awesome how he's changed, just amazes me too!! :thumbs:
Do any of you know where I could find a Betta club in the San Francisco Bay Area?

I've been looking on-line for about a week and all I'm getting are dead or broken links. I'm getting so frustrated because the only Bettas I ever find are all the same general genus: comb or veil tail; blue, red, white or some combination of those.

I want to find other more interesting Bettas like crown-tails and I have never seen an orange betta up-close.
Wow! He has changed a lot even since I saw him :eek: He looks so good. Avery has some black around his lips and outlining his gills :thumbs: I love those orangies :wub:
Thanks so much for the info!!

Their next meeting is... well... almost 4 hours away, but at least I can track when their next one will be :p

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