The Plan Thus Far


Mostly New Member
Nov 18, 2015
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Ok so am going to start my Juwel Rio its 240L or 70G in Feb next year
So new equipment i will be treating my self to is

EFX 2000L/H + the EF-2 External Filter Booster Supplimentary Canister 2.3L
Il be filling the main filter with Biohome ultimate filter media and using the External Filter Booster Supplimentary Canister for the mechanical side of the filtration
to keep the Biological filtration clear of debris
Am going to give these Filter starter bacteria balls a go
For the Substrate i was planning on using a bottom lair of Tropica Plant Substrate and sand on top
Lighting il be getting some T5 to T8 converters for the juwels hud so i can use 2 Arcadia classica T8 LED`s
A Black DC12-24V Multi-function LED Programmable Timer Dimmer Controller
A Fluval E series 200W heater
Tetra Whisper Air pump + Air curtain
Plants am still looking into this and still thinking if i want to use a Co2 system any advice will be grately recived and looked into

As for fish am set on dwarf gouramis i have not done the maths on what my tank could handle but idealy i would like a pair or each color variants? is that the right term ?
A clean up crew still thinking what this will consist of and a ruby tailed shark
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I've just been commenting on another thread about Juwel tanks. I'm a Juwel tank lover, I wouldn't buy another brand. The build quality is great and I can not understand why people feel the need to rip out the Juwel filter and fit an external. The Juwel filters are amazing, they are built to do the job efficiently and with minimum fuss. The black corner box hides the heater too and with clever planting you've no need to even see it ... it'll just fade away.
I would seriously consider keeping the internal filter in place.
I have a Rio240 currently. It was bought second hand and the filter had been ripped out already and so I run two externals on it. The reason I run two externals is one leaves me with a greasy film in the opposite side of the filter outlet. Even though one filter is more than capable of filtering the tank the power isn't enough to turn the surface down the entire length. I plan to buy a brand new Rio240 when I move house and the internal Juwel filter will be staying in-situ and I'll be selling my externals.
Regarding the Co2 system. I add liquid Co2 to my 240 every day. My plants grow like mad and so I don't feel the need to go down the route of adding an expensive Co2 system when the liquid version works just as well. Something to consider perhaps?
As to the stocking. Someone will correct me if I've got this wrong but I'm sure that the shark you are considering will grow too big for a tank this size. Perhaps I've got confused with the type you are meaning but I think this fish will need a tank as large as 6ft ... I also think it might be too aggressive for the gourami's. As to the gourami's, you'll need to be careful there too. Dwarf gourami's are now struggling against an incurable illness (dwarf gourami disease) and it's fatal to them. At the moment, until a cure can be found, I would be very wary about buying any and would be looking at the standard sized gourami's instead that arn't affected by the disease. Your tank will be plenty big enough for the standard gourami's. 
I hope I've been of some help to you and I'll look forward to seeing this tank as it develops :)
lots of help thank you
i picked up mine 2nd hand and the filter had been removed its my 1st "large" tank
well what i would call large any way apart from the filter it was in mint condition and they only wanted £100
for it couldn't believe my luck
will look into liquid Co2 thanks any brands you recommend ?
and am truly gutted about the dwarfs had some in my last tank and they where stunning fish
ahh ... I misunderstood. I thought you were buying new. So you are now in the same situation as I was. When I got my tank it came with an APS external too but it was just too heavy for me to move when full of water and so I re-sold the filter. Seen as you are going down the external root have a look at external heaters too
Here's a link to the one I have it does a fantastic job and your not looking at it inside the tank. These attach to the external filter pipes so as the water passes through back to your tank it's heated by the external heater.
Okay, you asked about liquid Co2 ... I use easylife's easycarbo
It is gutting about the Dwarf Gourami's ... I completely agree. I was looking at some stunners today at Maidenhead Aquatics and it's such a shame that there's no outward signs of which have got the disease and which havn't. The onset of the disease is sudden and fatal. Whether you decide to risk it or not is entirely up to you. I personally wouldn't risk it cos I'm soft hearted and I love my fish. I get upset when they die. I couldn't handle getting a fish and watching helplessly as it dies. 
I can vouch for the Hydor external heaters too - great bit of kit!

A Ruby shark should be ok in a 4ft.  They get up to 6 inches max but as long as they've got an area for their territory, well planted and broken sight lines they will be fine.
Just don't put any similar fish in with them.

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