The Person Wonders Why..


Fish Fanatic
Jan 26, 2006
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I don't get it..maybe it's the water. I feed my fish so don't think I starve them...
Why they keep dieing nevertheless I don't know! I'm getting frustrated with them now!

Or... maybe... just maybe it is the fact the fish can not even turn round in their tanks. Hence, waste builds up!
So maybe some one should get in contact with the owner, and explain that if her fish aren’t dying from the stress of the extremely small conditions, they are they being poisoned by their own waste!!

That really makes me upset! Those fish would have been better left at the fish store!
The person seems like she cares about her fish... if someone told her that they need more space and lots of water changes, she'd probably do it...
Jeesh, I just love how she has about 30 different ones on there, and every caption says "Cute!..but now he's dead too".

The last pic makes me classify her as an idiot (not to be mean). People who don't know a THING about fish know males fight eachother, and she has three in one bowl.... sad.
I just sent her a friendly email offering to help her out and we'll see what she says....after my email server comes back online and the email actually goes out... I'm assuming her goodwill and will take it from there.
I just sent her a friendly email offering to help her out and we'll see what she says....after my email server comes back online and the email actually goes out... I'm assuming her goodwill and will take it from there.
How'd you find her email? I didn't see it anywhere on the site.
I've basically signed her guest book with a 'owener view only' post that says

"You're fish are dying for many reasons, the two main ones are probably that they are in too small of containers and that the water quality might be bad? I don't know about your fish keeping habits but if you'd like to help prevent any more deaths either mail me or the other person that sent you a e-mail and we'll see what we can do to help improve the lifespan of your fish."

I also used the link for here as my 'web' link, so hopefully she'll take a look around and ask for help. begining and learning is okay, begining and not asking for help when things go wrong is not. :nod:
That's a really good polite discreet response. Excellent. My email bounced back as undeliverable so.......Hope she reads what you wrote to her. :good:

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