Or... maybe... just maybe it is the fact the fish can not even turn round in their tanks. Hence, waste builds up!
So maybe some one should get in contact with the owner, and explain that if her fish aren’t dying from the stress of the extremely small conditions, they are they being poisoned by their own waste!!
That really makes me upset! Those fish would have been better left at the fish store!

I don't get it..maybe it's the water. I feed my fish so don't think I starve them...
Why they keep dieing nevertheless I don't know! I'm getting frustrated with them now!
Or... maybe... just maybe it is the fact the fish can not even turn round in their tanks. Hence, waste builds up!
So maybe some one should get in contact with the owner, and explain that if her fish aren’t dying from the stress of the extremely small conditions, they are they being poisoned by their own waste!!
That really makes me upset! Those fish would have been better left at the fish store!