the pain


helping big fish eat little fish everyday
Dec 8, 2002
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UPPER Michigan
heres the deal. I was adding water to my 55 gallon tank and I noticed that one of my A.Maisoni was stuck to the filter intake with foggy eyes and his mouth wide open. this was the first that I noticed.(I have been painting the upstairs of my house). The only thing that is different is that since my water was low my heater wasn't really working and the temp had dropped to 72 degrees where the normal temp is about 78-80 degrees. I was just wondering if the others are going to follow suit and die on me or is this nothing to worry about?
was he beat on and what do you have in the tank with him? don't think the temp drop would affect him that much. let mine get kind of low since i was gone for a few days and the fish were fine. sounds like maybe you got a bully!

there were 5 other maisoni in the tank and 6 electric yellows in the tank. the only bully that I can think of is that one of the electric yellows has a cave staked out it is the larger of the caves and he is the largest in the tank but he never attacks. he lets others swim thru and just chases them away never nipping.
almost forgot all of the maisoni are juvies and the electric yellows are all about 2.5 inches
could of been the other maisoni maturing and establishing the pecking order within their group. was he stuck to the intake of the filter or in the intake of the filter? some of the smaller fish will swim up the intakes and get stuck and die. that is why it is a good idea to have the nds covered to allow water and debris to flow through but not the fish.

well semper it seems that you were right. it seems that there are two of my now five maisoni that are possibly males. they are the only two that are a really dark color almost black. and everything that I have read is that only the males change color while the females stay in the same coloration as they always have been. but to the reason that I think that you are right.... I was taking a break from painting my fience's new home office( a remodeled bedroom in our house. and that is when I noticed that there are two fish of equal size one maisoni and one electric yellow. they have taken up residence in neighboring caves(I did some slight remodeling there too after cleaning the gravel.) and together they have taken the two biggest rooms for themselves and keep all others out even the chineese alge eater!!!!

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