The New Kitten! Samba!


Fish Addict
Aug 7, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds - United Kingdom
Hi everyone,
After having Simba afew months we decided to get him a little friend!


But I like da Cookie!

Almost There!

Hmm a new bed?

Wait! This isn't a bed is it?

I'm not a Demon!! Really!!

Hope you enjoy!!
I third the nom for the washing machine pic. :lol:
Thank you everyone for been so nice ^.^
everyone seems to like the washing machine picture.... He must think it's his bed we have to check machine time now he's always tryin to sleep in it...

I put him on POTM

Many thanks for the noms

Samba says: Meow Meow :shout:
Your cat is extremely pretty, and I like the play on Simba and Samba, very cute. If I were you, however, I would seriously deter your cat from going into the washer. I know it looks really funny and it's cute, but it is a deadly place for him to be. I find a squirting it with a spray bottle filled with water works extremely well along with a very firm "No". He has to learn that that place is unexceptable for his own safety and strictly forbidden. Not that you wouldn't check before-hand, but he could lock himself in at night, not to mention the obvious danger of drowning and dying a horrible death in the wash. Cats are basically suicidal escape artists, so every bit of caution should be taken. They are remarkably clever, and opening doors is not beyond them. On the bright side, they will readily follow those types of commands if taught with consistancy. Sorry to be a party-pooper, but somebody has to do it.

Again, he's a great looking cat and congratulations on your POTM nods.

llj :)
He jumps in when the washing machine has been emptyed. When no ones looking at machine the doors shut, Never leave it open at night or anytime Im not next to machine, Hes taken a new liking to sittin on Aquarium now tho lol He's perfectly safe don't worry ^.^

water fetish maybe?
Entirely possible. My old tabby was obsessed with watching the toilet flush and playing in the bath. When he was a baby I would put about an inch of water in so it was an inch deep at the plug end and virtually dry at the other end and stick him in there, he would spend over an hour each time he played, just running up to the water, touching it with his hand and running back again, usually in that funny sideways crab way they do with their back up. He never got bored of it. He'd sit on the end of the bath and wail until I put some water in for him to play with.

Nice cat.

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