The new guy....

WOW :hyper: He looks nice I think hes a combtail. Or maybe just a veilTail :p But either way very nice. Let me guess u have him in a 2 gallon tank.
Thats my 20, I might add some zebera danios or some tetras later.
Beautiful Betta! Nice pics too!

I've been considering adding a betta to my community tank, but I'm concerned that my tetras are too speedy and he wouldn't get enough food. Is this concern valid? :blink:
Im not too sure, I imagine if you attrack all of the fish to the top of the tank then feed them he would probably get some food.
I'm worried that this guy might have fin rot, the tips of his caudal fin is black. I dunno how to detect early signs of fin rot.???
In my limited experince with fin rot (thankfully), the fin just disappears, does not change color. If anything, you might see a trace of white.

Watch it closely - I understand that some bettas do have black tinges to fins naturally.
harried_mom said:
I've been considering adding a betta to my community tank, but I'm concerned that my tetras are too speedy and he wouldn't get enough food. Is this concern valid? :blink:
I had my betta in a community tank with tetras for a while. Food didn't seem to be a problem for my guy, but the occassional fin nipping sessions from the tetras were. I had to move him into a 20 gallon tank with corys.
Hi Idolz :)

Your betta does look very happy! :thumbs:

I love to see bettas swimming, with their fins flowing behind them, rather than pictures of them just hovering in one spot. :D

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