the new and imroved tank


Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Feb 7, 2004
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Hope they load properly.
aahh they joys of dsl













Thanks to whoever recommended Photobucket.
It is the best i have used so far.
lets you load up to 20 at a time. and auto resizes them to 25% of original size
How in the world are you coing to clean the gravel/air trapped under that VERY cool cave? I would worry about circulation. This is the cave that took you 5 hours? Nice job :D

Thats such a good tank u've made it look different in a good way its a very unique design.
I love the cave :thumbs: :kewlpics: :cool:
thanks you guys.

It was very hard to start off with.

The Pond I used had been made very hard byt the weather, so had to put it in the veranda with the heating on, to soften it a little.

once i got the First couple of cuts done, it was ok from there.

There is no gravel inside the caves they are bare. the only gravel is at the front of the tank and it is only a couple of cm's deep.

The Slate grass bed is raised of the floor of the tank by an inch, for the banjos and kuhlis.

The Gouramis have taken to living at the back of the caves.

Libby My Giant betta Lives on the Right side of the tank behind the caves n that side, Have made betta Size entrance's Tall and narrow for them to go in and out of.

The Rest of the fish have 8 more caves to explore.

I have also taken into consideration the African butterflys. I have made Large Holes big enough for them to swim in at he very top of the structureso that they go out of the light if they want to. I have 2 Now, Common and Gold.

The rams Love the Small caves in the bottom right corner as do the gouramis when they chase each other, zipping in and out of all the caves.

My Coral Platy and Swordtail spend most of their time with the gouramis at the back of the structure.

the females go everywhere.

I have added some live palnts to cover the surface of the water to make a dappled lighting effect.

Will add the Underwater Lighting System back in tommorrow, wanted to see where the fish spend most of their time first b4 re-adding.

I am Very pleased with the efffect. Have saved loads of money and it is a unique design to me.
I would like to see pictures of the gourami/thing in the top left hand corner.
Please and thankyou. :D
that is Dori my Dwarf Neon Gourami. Who is not a dwarf anymore. He is Getting very large for a dwarf.

wil try to get pix of Him.

Will take new ones to iclude todays new fish.

The Lovely New Hockey Sticks' and a decent group of Bumblebees now.

they look very cool clinging to the different parts of the structure
That is very awesome, you did a great job, the cave looks fantastic!!

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