THe most Unique Fish


Fish Herder
Mar 15, 2005
Reaction score
Nor Cal
I went to the LPS this evening (just to nag the fish guy about how he's treating the bettas :p ) and I saw the most unique must have fish. It was a PERFECT patriot crownie (metallic white body, clean head, bright metallic blue, then bright metallic red with white tips) and the weirdest eyes. Upon further inspection, I saw that they were red! I mean like albino red. I've never seen a betta like this--so naturally I had to have him (even though I have three fish on the way and not an empty tank(they are all being used for rehab bettas.) But, to my dismay, some lady had come in about 1 hour before me and put him on hold! :-( I tried to talk the fish guy (my friend) into taking him off hold and I would pay a higher price. But he said the woman was faniacal about it and made him promise that no one would take him. Oh well. It was cool just to see him though.

Has anyone else ever seen a betta like this before?
For a minute there I thought you were going to say he was albino and I nearly had a heart attack!! :lol:
If his eyes were red he was probably partially albino... VERY cool :hyper:
He wasn't blind, I know that, because when I bent over to look at him, he flared at me like crazy. He was damn fiesty! :p
oo oo buy him!!! how unique!

Edit, read your post closer. Too bad he was sold. Steal him! lol.
hate to burst your bubble but it has to be blind the albino is so rare it was in the 1990's in japan and they died before spawning so there is no way. i have a red eyed guy im sure is blind,yes he does flare at me when i come in thats because i flip the light switch and it scares him. hes the one featured in my avatar . look into this fishes eye if you can and see if you see peach or black floatingness in the back that means not saying you didnt see one but still it would not be possible.i have a book on this albino if you'd like me to scan the page i will . if you find bettas a complete interduction red it its sure its in there.
Elise said:
and I saw the most unique must have fish. It was a PERFECT patriot crownie (metallic white body, clean head, bright metallic blue, then bright metallic red with white tips) and the weirdest eyes. Upon further inspection, I saw that they were red! I mean like albino red.
She says the eyes were albino red, she never says the betta is albino. Actually, she pretty much says it ISN'T albino by describing the colours on him. And albino animals might not have a high survival rate, it's still far from impossible to have 1 grow into adulthood.

He sounds absolutely lovely by the way you describe him! Real shame you couldn't talk the seller out of selling it to that woman
if it didnt look like that it is blind,and like Erised said they dont have long lives
50 said:
and like Erised said they dont have long lives
Umm, I never said they don't have long lives. I said the survival rate isn't high ... but it is possible for albino bettas to live a full lifespan.
same thing..i was saying that my way.. i have only seen 2...the only lived for about 6 months
ermm just addin a point i have a mini rex rabbit that is chocolate in colour yet has red eyes so they dont have to be albino to have red im sure fish can have the even if they are not albino, sorry just had to say this

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