The Most Beautiful Tank Ever!


Fish Addict
May 31, 2006
Reaction score
Kent UK
Oh my god this tank is gorgeous and huge and IWant it!!
Now I just have to buy a house to fitit in and a filter, and gravel.... the list goes on! xx
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Stunning but weirdly enough you couldn't actually get that many 'large' fish in there because there is no turning room!

Would look fantastic as a tropical community tank or reef tank in an office waiting room though!!
Lol... I had to stare at it for a bit to realize that it's a an L shaped tank! lol... I kept thinking the smaller part was just a different tank behind the other part heh.
That is pretty cool though and looks really nice. I really like the cabinets.
Lol... I had to stare at it for a bit to realize that it's a an L shaped tank! lol... I kept thinking the smaller part was just a different tank behind the other part heh.
That is pretty cool though and looks really nice. I really like the cabinets.

Its actually a T shape! :blink:
I want it also. My lFs has one of it but i waiting to win the lottery to get it lol.
That is a really interesting tank. Not sure if its really my type of tank. As timmystood said there isnt enough turning space for the fish. Would look really good in any big room or office type thing.
if i had that id just put around 1000 tetras in it top stuff :lol:
That's really really BIG! Yeah it looks like a T shape. That's so cool! I wish I could get that, but no chance. You really would have to make a house fit to a fish tank, how funny would that be!???
plus it holds 883 gallons - could you imagine the water changes every week - you best not be on a water meter if your doing those
Even 10% is nearly 90g of water down the sink every week.
I was wondering how many gallons it held. One might as well make it a swimming pool...haha!! :fun:
Lol... I had to stare at it for a bit to realize that it's a an L shaped tank! lol... I kept thinking the smaller part was just a different tank behind the other part heh.
That is pretty cool though and looks really nice. I really like the cabinets.

Its actually a T shape! :blink:

Rofl.. I just can't see right lol Yeah afteryou pointed that out I can see the other side now hehe.

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