The Mirror Test


New Member
Mar 14, 2008
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Hi All

I noticed what could be some fin rot on my guy today. I plan on a 100% water change tomorrow (first water change). He seems to be ok cuz he is blowing bubble at the top. Mostly on the edge and some in the middle. I am assuming he isn't all that uncomfortable. He comes up to the side of the tank and says hi it seems most of the time. I fed him three pellets t his morning, and some brine shrimp just a little while ago, and he ate it all (spitting out the pellets a few times and going right after them). I tried the mirror test, but , he seems to just stare at himself, and didn't flare his fins. Is this normal behavior? Or is it a sign of something else?

I would of changed his water today had I treated some tap water yesterday. I went out today and bought a couple of one gallon jugs of water. Poured that water out and filled with tap water and the treatment that came with the tank (1 gal).

Also, when I fed him the brine shrimp, his gills flared out a bit. Normal?

Any help would be appreciated....


Any pointers?
Some bettas don't flare, its fairly rare, but there are a few who are so laid back they just don't bother!
Another reason for lethargy is water temperature, is his tank heated? What temperature is it? Bettas are cold blooded so their metabolism slows down at lower temperatures.

You don't need to wait a day before adding new water if you treat it with water conditioner, it works instantly. The old method was to let water sit for a day to allow the chlorine to dissipate, but lots of water companies now use chloramine which doesn't dissipate over time and needs to have water conditioner added. In my large Oscar tank i don't even mix the water and conditioner before adding, just run a hose into the tank and add the conditioner straight to the tank too. works fine! Although obviously i wouldn't do that with a Betta when doing 100% changes.
Thanks for the reply! The tank is only 1 gallon and isn't heated. I bought one of those thermometers that stick to the side of the tank and the temp ranged between 74-76 degrees F. I fed him his morning bloodworm and he seemed a little more upbeat. I am going to go ahead with the 100% water change. Heopefully that won't irritate him. I am still concerned about the blackness on his back bottom fin. It didn't seem to get worse overnight. Adding aquarium salt perhaps? :unsure:

A few smaller changes are probably a better bet than one 100% change, just to guard against swings in ph, temp etc.

You could do with buying a heat mat for his tank. Almost impossible for a tank that small not to experience some fairly big temperature changes at night / when your heating switches off.

Melafix & pimafix at half dosage might help with the fin rot but the priority should be keeping his water absolutely clean.

If you see any deterioration, or if you are not 100% sure about what the problem is, you could try posting in the emergencies section with a photo.

Good luck :good:
some of my boys will only flare at another betta, and some will only flare at their reflection! :crazy: I wouldnt rush to do a complete water change not if you have only just had him. it could be that he is cold....a couple of my girls are flicking :crazy: :crazy: luckily they are all in separate tanks....
anyway (nicking your thread) let us know how he gets on and if he gets worse :good:
Dave doesnt flare at his reflection, never has done, he just stares and slowly swims off
Thanks for the all the tips. If I were to do a say 50% water change. How should I handle it? Should I remove him first? What about cleaning the gravel? I know you can use a turkey baster to clean out all the excess food etc.


PS I am hoping to put some pics up of the General..How do you attach them on a post?
get a gravel vacuum

they run off an airline, i have one and its fantastic

u can pick one up for about £10

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