The Lerning Curve

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Fish Herder
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
Guilford, Surrey
Hi everyone, I'm matt i've resatly got my first ever aquarium at 24 late starter I know! At first it was all confusing :byebye: but after a weeks reading i found i have nothing to be afraid of :D . My tank is now on week 3 of a fish cycle with 3 platies in. Its 120l half planted. I got the platies from my local mainenhaed aquatic store where thay were very helpful. To my supprise one of the female platies (can tell from the anal fin) Has become pregnent! (the small black area by the anal fin) :crazy: WHAT TO DO!!! As the tank isn't fully matured and setting up a birthing/fry tank will take longer Any Iders any one? Anyway hopeing that all goes well should have some pics on here soon. Also want a marean tank sould i wait and lern more from my freshwater tank frist or dive rite in????? (sorry for the pun)
Hi and welcome to the forum. I was also a late starter into fish keeping (last year at age 52). It's good that you are researching and learning. When I bought that first tank (actually a Christmas present for my wife) I had no idea there was so much to know.

As for the fry, I haven't owned livebearers before so I can't really speak on what to do with them. You could obviously let natrure take it's course and they fish will eat them. That's not really cruel. It happens in the wild all the time. You maybe already know this but female livebearers actually store sperm and can have fry several times up to 6 months after their last contact with a male. You will definitely have plenty more babys.

As for the marine tank, I also want one and that will be my next venture. I would suggest waiting for a while until you are more comfortable with fish keeping. Marine tanks are much more expensive to start up (equipment, substrate, etc.) and the fish are quite expensive too. Much more patience is required when starting up than a FW tank. My son has a marine tank so he has tried to fill me in on the differences. I think marine tanks are actually easier to maintain once they are up and running but harder to start out.
Thanks for the reply going to let nature take its corse i think. As for the salt tank might wait a wile then give it some time to do some resurch on the setup and upkeep.
Matthew5664 said:
Thanks for the reply going to let nature take its corse i think. As for the salt tank might wait a wile then give it some time to do some resurch on the setup and upkeep.

Dude you need to keep freshwater for about 8 years ATLEAST before you can competently keep salt water. dont even begin to think about it. Write it off for now. As for your babies, when you say half planted, I'm not sure what you mean, but the babies will naturally try to hide. If you make a very thick clump of plants the adults cant get into the babies will hide in it until they are too big to be eaten. They don't have to be fed specialty food. Just feed your fish normally, and if you see any babies, crush something up really fine for it, like flakes, make it powder and drop it in the water. The babies will also find all the tiny bits of food the adults miss that fall in the cracks of the gravel and are able to get bites out of big things when they are of small size. Livebearer fry are pretty much the easiest fry ever. All you need to worry about is a hiding spot, if you have that, you'll get some babies. Alternatively, if you can find a "Breeding net" you can hang this in a corner of your aquarium and put the pregnant female in there until she gives birth and then quickly remove her right away. Then the babies stay in there until you let them out and cant get eaten. Just put something in the net for the babies like a plant so they arent scared. And also they can hide in it and get away from mom if she gives birth while you arent looking. Shell try to eat them right away. Thats about it.

A hundred twenty LITRES you say. So that's abouttt 29 Gallons or so. What other fish you plan on adding?
Thanks for the advice 8 years you say! god thats a long time how long have you been in the hobby? as for my tank yes it's 29 (US) 36 (UK) gallons. half planted i meen i have only 6 plants in there 3 each side to provide cover for the new fish that are still scard. As for new fish I would like 2 dwarf Gouramis a simese fighter and a shole of neons! What do you think?
Hi and welcome

It would be best to post in the newbie section for greater replies.

Nice to see you here :)

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