The Hiding Fish


New Member
Feb 21, 2007
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new orleans louisisana u.s.a
see if any one can help me. iv 2 tanks 1 community and 1 ciclid in my community tank wen it was started i became facinated with rainbow sharks and all the ones i have are happy and swimming albinos and all, but i do have a lonsom 5 inch rainbow shark that prefers to hide and wont even come out at night or for food. is their something im doing that is scaring him or does he just need an equel sized tank mate ex another ranbow shark his size . gettotank110
I wouldn't get him another shark, they aren't sociable with each other and will be fine on their own.
The sharks I have kept have always been nervous and hiding away for the first few weeks, how long have you had it?
My RTBS still doesn't come to the surface for food but it will eat sinking pellets + algae.
thanks rob. iv had him for about a month and i bought him at a fish specialty shop not just at a place like a large chain store that sells clothes and food u no what im talking about. i was just curious becaus iv got 2 three inch albino rainbow sharks that are very sociable atleast between each other they both stick together and are never seen apart except when feeding,i also have a small mabe 1 inch regular one that hangs out all alone so you think hes just got to get familiar with his surroundings?? thanks again gettotank110

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