The Great Fish Juggle


New Member
Jun 25, 2008
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I have 3 tanks

150l ( coldwater ) this will remain as is

200l ( deep gravel some shade sunken ship and few plants) Tank 2!
310l ( bogwood plants and caves with gravel thinner gravel) Tank 1!

I have

1st tank

pair 3 spot Gourami's ( matured full size)
pair golden Gourami's ( matured full size)
6 golden barbs ( matured full size)
3 platties ( all female rescued from broken tank)
3 Angels ( one full size 2 1" jr's)
2 cherry barbs ( full size)
1 red tail shark ( 3")
1 silver shark ( 3") ( needs to remain with scissortails as is under impression he is one due to damaged tail birth defect)
6 scissor tails( 2")
4 neons ( again broken tank rescue)
4 glo's ( broken tank rescue)
5 harliquins
3 golden danio's( live in group with cherry barbs)
2 small catfish
2 plec's ( 5")
1 clown loach ( 2" i know they are best in pairs but its mate died )
1 glass catfish
1 glass fish ( dyed one resucued 3 years ago!!! likes liking with cherries and goldens)
5 Ghost tetra

2nd tank atm
1 Khuli loach
4 Banana Chilichids
2 polka dot Cat fish
1 Frog
1 red tailed shark

Ideally i dont want to get tank 4 till xmas ( frame one for dd's room to house little fellows before the other angels mature)

tank 1 seem happy as but have been told isnt a good communitiy so what can i do without loosing anyone??? keeping in mind my 'lonley' fish are rescues and have survived one way or other

Is there a better mix up for the guys?
Red Tailed Shark can get very territorial and the clown loach will get very big. It's hard to say what will work becuase you have such a vast selection of fish in tank 1, so its hard to organize it. I think most people will suggest taking out some of the fish and increasing the school number of the others that are left in there. Its good that you have rescued many of these fish , but when they are all put together they may be worse off. I know its hard to let fish just get thrown out or what not.

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