I plan on setting up a paludarium in my 29g, with a big waterfall, and swampy area. Densely planted land and water areas. Cool water species downstairs: Either native Wyoming fish (plains killifish and mottled sculpins, perhaps) or South China species (a couple paradise fish, a small school of gold barbs, and a few hillstream loaches would do nicely). Firebelly toads and sagebrush lizards living upstairs.
I also really want to do a nano tank, maybe a 5-6 gallon, densely planted, with schools of blue axelrod rasboras, stone catfish, and amano shrimp.
Both of these projects are on hold until I get some other projects squared away--building a bow, training a puppy, figuring out how the heck things are going to work when we go back to school next month. But plans are underway.
Three species I would like to keep: Hillstream loaches, various native fish, paradise fish. I've kept blue axelrods before, but I'd like to try breeding them.
Favorite Plant: crypt wendtii. Honorable mentions: Amazon frogbit, crypt balansae, dwarf sagittaria, rubra lilly
Favorite Fish Family: Salmonids.
Favorite Individual Species: Pearl gourami. Honorable mentions: Blue rasboras, panda garra, black neon tetra