I was thrilled to discover that I can cycle my new 46 gallon tank without having to put fish in it just to watch them die. Has anyone tried the "Fishless Cycle" before? I'm eager to know as much as I can about this new method.
I guess I must be weird but I never cycle my tanks. I let them sit for a about 2 maybe 3 days and then I put 1 fish in it. IF that one fish lives for a day or two I add another fish or two. Also I will add a cup of water from my old fish tanks to help the bacteria. I will probably catch some flack for this but I have NEVER lost a fish this way and I rarely ever loose fish.
I think one problem with cycling is that there is a number of slightly different methods/receipies and milage can vary. I didn't seem to have much luck with it, but maybe that was in some way my fault.
A method that looks very good and seems scientifically sound to me is described at the following address:
Better I think than dropping in fish food, etc, because it is exact, and you aren't left with rotting food in your tank. Wish I had read that before I tried a fishless cycle.
Fishless cycling is great, but not for every situation, and not for everyone.
I do not use this method because I stock my tanks very gradually. Stocking a tank is enjoyable to me, and an aquarium becomes fully stocked so quickly, I like to draw it out. Fishless cycling enables you to fully stock the tank in one blow, and if you do not plan to do that, or something close to it, then it might not be necessary. If you do like to buy al your fish at once, then there is no better way to cycle your tank.
Also, the only good fishless cycle is one that uses liquid ammonia. Fish food, shrimps, and other methods release other harmful substances into the aquarium besides ammonia that will not be dealt with save through water changes.
Well, my 29 gallon tank was cycled the normal way and I ended up losing a lot of fish. I guess I did a big mistake by adding my two favorite guppies in from my 2 gallon aquarium. After their deaths, I bought 6 neon tetras and ended up losing all of them. That's why I turned to the "Fishless Cycle" to avoid losing fish in the process.
After it's all cycled, I plan to get a couple Pearl Gouramis, a few Clown Loaches and about 6 Rummynose Tetras. Would that be considered a large stock to add? What other methods to you suggest? Please help me since I need the advice.
I have to go know because I'm going to try to move the larger tank upstairs. It wouldn't be easy, but me and my parents would have to try do it!