The fin rot war isn't going well...


Addicted and in Therapy
Jul 13, 2003
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Wichita, KS
Awhile back I tried to breed my prettiest green and red female. She wasn't too badly beaten up, just a few nicks in her tail and anal fin. Really didn't look serious at all... though I still added melafix and salt. Now it's bad. Really bad. :sad: Her tail is split in so many places it looks like a rake, and her anal fin has two huge chunks out of it. I did BettaMax for the 5 days, and I tried Tetracyline too (still am in that 5 day cycle). Nothing seems to be making a difference, she just gets worse. She's till eating, but isn't very perky. :no: I don't know what else to do, or what meds to try next. I don't want to lose her, she's just wonderful. I put her in a jar mostly in the quarantine tank so that she's getting heat now, maybe that will help.

Any suggestions? -_-

Also wanted to add that the gal who had ich & fin rot before (different one), and then horrible body fungus is doing much better. (At least I have SOME good news!!) She lost a big chunk of flesh from the fungus, but it looks like she's regrowing some scales or something over it now. Phew.
What size is the tank?

What type of filter are you using?

What is your ammonia, nitrITE/nitrATE levels?

Does your water have chlorine? If so, do you treat your tank for it?
Julie when I tried to breed my blue female,she got destroyed. Hardly any fins left at all. All i did was put her in her tank after I scrubbed it out,added a tablespoon of salt per gallon,and added methylene blue. She has all of her fins back now,that was about 5 weeks ago. I don't use all of the melafix and bettamax and tetracycline. I use aquarisol for fin rot,and nipped fins I use salt and meth blue. I don't know what to tell you. :dunno: I wish I did.
I'm assuming you are cleaning her water daily and still having fin problems. You can try painting her fins with peroxide--kind of an extreme measure and the fish will look like crap (excuse my language) after but it does work (usually). The peroxide applied directly to the fins kills off bacteria/fungus the fish may be carrying but it is stressful on the fish.

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