The Eternal Struggle

What type of tank are you wanting to cycle?? How big?? How many fish are you wanting to put in right away? And do you still want to keep fish in your existing tank? Or is that going to be not in use any longer after you cycle this "new" tank?

To actually run the cycle will probably take six to eight weeks, if you start with all new materials.

If you mean "how long should I let the tank 'run' after setting it up, before adding a few fish to start the cycle?", then the answer is probably a day or so.

How are you planning on cycling?
Only a test can know. Testing and repeadly comming up with good results for 4-5 days and you KNOW it is stable.

MY Method.

add food once every three days wait 6 weeks. Test (of course 6 weeks it will be fine).

Never watch a pot when you are trying to get it to boil... how does that quote go?
" A watched pot never boils" LOL Aint that the truth :sad:
Rome wasnt built in a day either though

Mines been 20 days and is not done yet.

I do have cloudy/smoky lookin stuff though. I am hoping that its the bacteria colonies organizing there attack on the ammonia army. :fun:

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