The Ember Tetra


Fish Aficionado
Apr 1, 2011
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Just some shots I snapped this evening:
Half of the group:



Male/Female comparison, this pair has spawned, the Male is on the top and the Female on the bottom (apologies for the slightly out of focus female):

As you can see there is clear sexual dimorphism between each gender.
nice macros, you're getting the hang of it! :good:
They're lovely. I have black gravel with a black back ground, these would show up brilliantly i think in my tank. Would they be ok in a 120 litre tank?

Thankyou :)
Very nice pics, I can never get my tetra to stay still long enough to get any decent pics! (you got any tips) What sort of size are they? They look absolutely great against the greeness of the plants.
Thanks all.

@cupcakes, they'd be fine in a 120L providing that nothing is capable of eating them, their maximum size is about 2Cm.

@ATK, when I used my compact digital I used to have trouble but I took these on a Canon EOS 400D, the shutter speed was reduced to 1/200 and I used the flash, it works well for snapping fast fish, check your camera settings you might be able to adjust the shutter speed. They're about 2cm.
Hey SBS, these are fantastic. Are they readily available? What size tank do you have them in?
Thanks for the reply, I have a Canon Powershot something or other which is relatively pricey so I should be able to change the shutter speed quite easily. Thing is that when I use the flash the fish get very scared, on account of my rounded aquarium focusing the light on them! I guess I could have another go but I probably only have one shot at it. I guess you're still using Google Picasa to edit your photos, they look very good!
@mint, they used to be quite rare but I'm beginning to see them quite commonly available.

@ATK, I used Picassa to crop these images.
they are nice fish and school really well,

here's a vid of my old ones in a 15 litre

(hope you don't mind me posting the vid SBS)
They're beautiful! I wish they had them in a store around here...
Woo! I love Ember Tetras, & they look so good in planted tanks. I only have one left, now.. poor wee dude.. his mates all got wiped out when my tank burst while I was out at work. :crazy:

...he does seem to have made friends with the Golden White Clouds I put in last month, though, & spends his time happily swimming about with them :D

Anyhoo, can't find anywhere in Edinburgh.. has anyone ordered these successfully online?
Fab pics of your tetras :good:

I love these embers,i bought 8 from MA last year,and they're active little fish :good:

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