Hi..more than three months ago, I posted an I.D request for something I found in my chaeto in my back fuge. Here it was:
It was ID'd the next day as aiptasia. I went back to get it and...OOPS. GONE!. Couldn't find it. Well, guess what I saw on a vacated coral skeleton on my trumpet corals this morning:
I pulled up the frag and 'amputated' that calcareous limb with the hitchhiker on it. Over six months into this and voila: aiptasia. NO ONE IS IMMUNE. I get this funny feeling that this is not the end of it. IF you look at the 1:00 o'clock position from the aiptasia on the last pic and strain your eyes, do you see something I think I see? I hope this guy was the same as the one in the back fuge. What is scary tho', is if the reason it got out was it was shot thru the pump in chamber 3, I'll have my hands full. So far, I've been visited by valonia, cyano, aiptasia. I hope hair algae is not in my tea leaves. SH
It was ID'd the next day as aiptasia. I went back to get it and...OOPS. GONE!. Couldn't find it. Well, guess what I saw on a vacated coral skeleton on my trumpet corals this morning:
I pulled up the frag and 'amputated' that calcareous limb with the hitchhiker on it. Over six months into this and voila: aiptasia. NO ONE IS IMMUNE. I get this funny feeling that this is not the end of it. IF you look at the 1:00 o'clock position from the aiptasia on the last pic and strain your eyes, do you see something I think I see? I hope this guy was the same as the one in the back fuge. What is scary tho', is if the reason it got out was it was shot thru the pump in chamber 3, I'll have my hands full. So far, I've been visited by valonia, cyano, aiptasia. I hope hair algae is not in my tea leaves. SH