The crowntail I can't live without


Fish Herder
Apr 18, 2005
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Ok, so today at the pet shop, picking up an algae scrubber, I saw a GORGEOUS crown tail, striking cobalt blue with blue/black/silver fins, in that order. This store is expensive, and my mom said I could only have him if i bought everything he would need myself, since she said she would only help me support my first betta.

Well, I have the 5 dollars he costs, but I can't swing the money for a tank for him. I have a one gallon aquarium in my basement, but it was used at one time to hold a mouse. Is there any way I could make this safe for him? I have gravel and a fake plant and food, so that isn't a problem, but I also don't want to hurt him by cross contaminating.

My other idea was to put him in the one gallon my african dwarfie is in, and transfer my dwarf to my 10 gallon, when it is cycled, or give my dwarfie to a friend until I can get a better living arrangement. What fish get along with dwarf frogs?
Try using bleach to clean the tank, and then run it through a cycle in your dishwasher without using soap. Then it should be good for him to live in. :)

I have had some Bettas get along quite well with frogs. I've noticed my males tend to be nippier at the frogs than my females do (no nips from females, just a few males have nipped, but not very many). As a matter of fact, I have 3 African Dwarf Frogs living with 6 female Bettas and two Croaking Gouramis. The frogs also lived with a Cory Cat there for a while, and a couple of Otos, and everyone got along fine. Frogs seem to be pretty good tankmates, at least as no one nips at them.

I probably wouldn't put them in with fish that are known to be nippers like tetras, or barbs. But livebearers would likely be all right. Come to think of it, there for a while, one of my frogs lived in a tank of Mollies and Guppies. They got along fine.
ok, thanks! What size tank would be able to hold my betta and the dwarf frog? I don't know if they could both live in the one gallon...if so, I would need to clean it like, 2ce a week. I'll do it if it's safe.
They should be able to live in the one gallon together temporarily as long as you keep the water changed out every couple days. But when the 10 gallon is cycled, I'm sure the Betta would be just as happy as the frog in there. :)

Seriously, though, the Betta SHOULD be fine with the frog, but every Betta is different, so give him a try. You may as well put him in the one gallon with the frog for the try, so you don't set up a more permanent solution, and have it not work on you because they don't get along.
Thanks again! yes I intend for the betta and frog to both move into the 10 gallon, along with maybe a few community fish. I hate to ask another question, but if I do this, what other fish would be good to add to the 10 gal with them? And how many?
It depends on how warm you'd like to heat it.

If the temperature stays at or below 75 degrees, you can add White Cloud Mountain Minnows. I've tried them with Bettas, and, as long as they aren't bite-sized, they tend to get along fabulously, even with males. Extensive testing has been done on this. They're hardy, really cute, eat everything. Must be kept in groups of 6 or more.

Cory Catfish go well with Bettas. I've kept them with males and females, never had a problem. The Bettas are typically quite curious, but, in general, they don't seem to mind. I think these should be kept in groups of three or more.

I had a pair of Otos with my female Bettas there for a while. Females were very curious, but they didn't hassle the Otos, and the Otos eventually got used to 5 (at the time) curious little Betta noses glued to their backs.

Zebra/Leopard Danios really require a larger tank, but they are sometimes good companions for Bettas. Depends on the personality of the Betta.

Nothing flashy, bright-colored, or nippy. Barbs and tetras tend to be VERY bad choices. Sometimes it works with Tetras...never with Barbs. But when it goes bad with Tetras, it goes REALLY bad. Guppies tend to be a bad choice. Some people say it works with Mollies and Platies, but one of my Mollies had my female Betta cornered and was nipping at her, so that one might not work.

You could get another frog or two, too. Frogs love to be kept in groups. I know mine do. I regularly find "frog piles," where they've all piled into a corner on top of each other. I think they're just awful fond of each other. Silly frogs.

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