The Costs Of Marine.


Fish Crazy
Oct 18, 2009
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Everytime I go to the LFS I find myself browsing the salty section even though I don't have a clue what I am looking at I am still intrigued. I did begin to read through pinned topics posted by SH (I think), I then thought I don't want to get hooked, get my hopes up and disapointed due to the costs.

My current equipment Fluval 125 (29G), Ehiem 2215 external filter, heater and T5 Lighting.

What else would I need? Approximate start up costs? Running costs?


Everytime I go to the LFS I find myself browsing the salty section even though I don't have a clue what I am looking at I am still intrigued. I did begin to read through pinned topics posted by SH (I think), I then thought I don't want to get hooked, get my hopes up and disapointed due to the costs.

My current equipment Fluval 125 (29G), Ehiem 2215 external filter, heater and T5 Lighting.

What else would I need? Approximate start up costs? Running costs?



UK or US
Depends, you want a reef or just fowlr(fish ony with live rock)?
Im in the UK and I was thinking of a smaller clown species so would I need some form of reef for a pair?

I was thinking of a smaller clown species so would I need some form of reef for a pair?

Don't need a reef for clowns. Particularly for aquacultured/tank bred clowns, you don't need anything for a hosting relationship either.
Thanks for the input can you direct me towards a good book which can give me a description of species, a kind of marine encyclopedia. I wont be going ahead with anything until March, so I may be asking a fair few questions! Ill apologise now if I begin to get tiredsome asking questions!

Ill just give a list of fish I have seen throughout the forums and could you tell me:

Amphiprion percula (or the False which ever are easier to care for)
Amblyeleotris randalli (Noticed these seem to pair with Pistol Shimps due to there better vision could I pair them?)
Ecsenius stigmatura
Pterapogon kauderni
Nemateleotris magnifica
Chrysiptera parasema

Not sure what fish are compatable, give me your advice/experience please :nod:

Thanks Gaz
Ok basic stuff you will need is:

Live Rock (for your tank about 15-20kg)
Argonite Sand (How deep a sand beg do you want?)
Powerheads (For a Reef tank we aim for about 20x turnover by using a few pumps not one large one)
Protein Skimmer
Something to transport water in

Would you make your own water or buy it? If you make it then you will also need:

RO unit
Good brand of Salt (Tropic Marine or Red Sea IMO are the best)
Water butt to mix the water
Small pump (something that will do 200lph)

Amphiprion percula - Percula Clownfish, a good choice. They are not as hardy as Ocellaris. Can become aggressive.
Amblyeleotris randalli - Randall's Goby, Yes can be paired with a shrimp. I didn’t have a shrimp with mine. Can become aggressive once they are established in the tank. Wouldn’t keep any fish that are of similar appearance if choosing the Randall's. A good hardy fish.
Ecsenius stigmatura - Tail-spot Blenny, are peaceful fish. Are considered easy to keep. Might be hard to find one for sale.
Pterapogon kauderni - Banggai Cardinalfish, timid fish best kept with non-aggressive fish. Keep singly as they will fight each other. Hardy fish
Nemateleotris magnifica - Firefish, must NOT be kept in an open-top tank as they can and often will jump out. Again another timid fish. Adjust to aquarium life easily.
Chrysiptera parasema - Yellowtail Damselfish, considered one of the least aggressive damselfish going but remember it is still a damsel and so has the potential to turn. As with most Damselfish is very hardy.

I would say choose either the Goby or the Blenny. Other than that stocking looks ok, I would pay close attention to the way the Clownfish and Damselfish are with each other and be prepared to act as that could be a battleground in a small tank. As for the order of stocking go with either the Firefish or Cardinal first, followed by the other. Then the Blenny or Goby. I would be tempted to add the Clownfish and Damsel at the same time to avoid either claiming a territory before the other is introduced.
Thanks for the great reply! Could you give me a approximate price for each item just so I know im not paying silly ammounts.

Also the tank i will be using has a decorative lip (Fluval 125), I have noticed that skimmers are mainly hang/clip on back. What would be the best way to overcome this issue. Not sure if the lip can be removed without damaging the tank.

I think Ill leave deciding a stock as it will most likely change nearer the time. Could do with learning the compatability of species though.

Thanks again!

Thanks for the great reply! Could you give me a approximate price for each item just so I know im not paying silly ammounts.

Also the tank i will be using has a decorative lip (Fluval 125), I have noticed that skimmers are mainly hang/clip on back. What would be the best way to overcome this issue. Not sure if the lip can be removed without damaging the tank.

I think Ill leave deciding a stock as it will most likely change nearer the time. Could do with learning the compatability of species though.

Thanks again!


Live Rock, its best to get from a tank break down. Much cheaper. From a break down you generally pay about £5 per kg, from an lfs I have seen from £9.50 - £13.50 per kg. Aragonite sand, you will need about 13kg bag £30. I use Koralia's so you need at least two, Koralia nano £20 - £40 each. Nano Skimmer £50 - £75. Refractometer £30. RO unit £75. Salt 22kg bucket about £50.
Well I have had a change of plan decided not to move next March, instead of spending more money on a flat we've decided to buy new stuff for the flat which I used to my advantage. Buying a sofa with a Tub chair means I would have to move my current tank so I said i would downgrade for one to sit on the entertainment unit. I have been looking at Kent Marine Bio Reef Aquarium 94L are these a decent brand/tank or will I be better buying seperately, which I find is more hassle but can find cheaper better equipment.
Well I have had a change of plan decided not to move next March, instead of spending more money on a flat we've decided to buy new stuff for the flat which I used to my advantage. Buying a sofa with a Tub chair means I would have to move my current tank so I said i would downgrade for one to sit on the entertainment unit. I have been looking at Kent Marine Bio Reef Aquarium 94L are these a decent brand/tank or will I be better buying seperately, which I find is more hassle but can find cheaper better equipment.

The only advantage I see to purchasing an all in one, is that most of these tanks come with a lid, which is great for gobies and other jumpers. Otherwise, I hate All in ones, because I'm so picky about what I want to use in a tank.

Holy moley, that Kent Marine is expensive! OMG! It's beautiful, though.
I know the price is a little high but I will be selling my current tank so this will soften the blow. I have a cat who likes water :S she likes to put her paw under the hose and in the bucket when I do a water change, so i think a lid is a need when purchasing a tank.

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