The Cory Who Never Quit


Apr 24, 2006
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I've got a cory, not sure if he's julie or not, but he looks like one.
Anyway, I brought him home about 3 or so months ago, then realized that he had no barbels. Oops!
After some close calls with him, he's FINALLY starting to grow them back. They look so adorable, and I'm so happy he's recovering even if it took a long time. :D
I've read and heard that they can't find food without them. I also know no barbels can be caused by disease, bad water quality, and maybe stress.
Hi nadajdui :)

I'm happy to hear that your little fellow is regrowing his barbels. He must have been very, very sick at one time, but now all will be well.


Hi JAY323 :)

If you've never spent the time to watch how your corys use their barbels, I suggest you do it. They are quite amazing sensory organs. The corys use them like little fingers to find food on the bottom of the tank. They can reach into, and actually move small bits of fine gravel with them.

In nature, where food is more scarce, a cory without barbels would not have much of a chance of survival without them.
Hey i have 4 corys and there fat lol never stop everyday there on the go .. funny little things
Our albino cory Bunny has lost her barbels, and shes grown huge within about 2 or 3 weeks and is now carrying eggs too. Its awesome; she eats loads and doesnt seem to have any problems. She just watches where the other corys go.
They say corys will wear their barbules down on gravel & sharp objects when looking for food. Sand is a better substrate for them (and other fish).

Do you have gravel? If so consider changing to sand. The fish will prefer it & I find it much easier to clkean (but I did take a few weeks to decide to change).
They did have gravel, but now they are all in a quarantine tank, which is barebottom, waiting for my 20 gallon which I will hopefully be getting soon.
I've been thinking about using sand, but my only concern would be cleaning it even though people say it's easy.
One of my peppered cories got half his barbels bitten off at feeding time once fighting over a algae wafer....he is fine though which is good :D

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