The cold Atlantic...any takers?


Hug a mod Nano Reef Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Dec 27, 2004
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Long Island, NY
Hi...just curious to see if any of our members ever tried to set up a tank for local fish from the Atlantic....coldwater tank? Any success? What did you have in it? I've read that it is difficult to do because of contamination and that wild fish don't last long in a tank. Thanks. Frank
Years ago i had a small rockpool tank. I kept lots of Shannys and local shrimps. They were extremly hardy and great characters to watch! I actually managed to train them to stick their heads out of the water ant take food out of my hands! :cool:

I found the rock pool tank to be very easy to maintain because the conditions are so extreme in real life! Temperature rises fast and drops equally as fast, oxygen levels are poor for hours at a time and the sea water doesnt need to be the best quality due to the harsh conditions the rock pools undergo every 6 hours or so.
Im am also form Long Island and I was wondering what kind of fish you were interested in form out local water?
Hi PUD...I wasn't interested in starting a North Atlantic marine tank. I think that the wild fish wouldn't last long in captivity and not too colorful. I was curious to see if anyone had tried it tho'. I have, however, embarked on starting a nano reef...still in the planning stage as I purchase all the stuff I need. SH
I took Marine Bio when i was in high school and we setup fishtanks with fish from a bay in Bladwin. We netted fish and crabs and put them in there as a project...the fish lasted for the whole I'm pretty sure it can be done. I'd like to know what fish you end up using and how you plan on catching them...and good luck with the Nano reef.

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