The Cleaners

i love cichlids

Fish Fanatic
Jan 8, 2003
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If i put a pleco the same size as my oscars(4in) would it be ok if they were in a 4ft tank and it had lots of hidey holes would the pleco get bullied??? :huh:
The Oscars would pretty much ignore it. My Oscars always seemed peaceful enough as long as they couldn't fit a tankmate in their mouth!!! :)
I agree, should be fine. Go for 'common' plecs though (HYpostomus Plecostomus) as they will keep up in size in relation to growth with the Oscars and they're very tough cookies!! I would consider gong for a larger tank and good external filtration eventually though because of potential water quality problems (both are very messy fish when bigger). :thumbs:

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