The case of the vanishing ghost shrimp


May 16, 2004
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Picture if you will,an attractive 5g tank occupied by a male fancy guppy and a pair of ghost shrimp.It was the scene of a recent tragedy in which a new resident,a rather mellow betta, was found dead of unknown causes.The ghosts were suspected as possible accomplices based on the betta bits they'd ingested.But there was no hard evidence that the guppy was involved.And now,the larger of the two shrimp has gone missing :eek:

I've conducted a thorough search.Could the guppy have done away with him and disposed of the body? Surely he wasn't scooped up unseen in a water change??

Baffling to newbie me....any ideas?

did u know u wernt supposed to house guppys with fighters?

some fish are known to eat shrimps... maybe the guppy got peckish chowed down on half of ur shrimp, and ur other shrimp being a 'cleaner invert' decided to 'clean' up. :dunno:
They can be super hard to find - he may still be in there. I've had my fighters with guppies in community tanks abd as long as everyone had somewhere to get away to I never had a problem...

My fighter is able to get inside my filter where he chills out during the day at night he is all over the tank!
'aparently' your not supposed to house them together as both ales ahe flowing fins,and either the male fighter or the male guppy will think its anothe male...

i woudlnt know iv never owned a gup in my life. im just stateing what has been posted on numerouse occasions by betta owners. :dunno:
no male guppy can take out a betta even a very young betta (before they get agressive) could destroy the best male guppy
No...I didn't know about bettas and guppies until too late.I think the betta may have been stressed/sick,maybe by the move, and I failed to see it in time.I learned the hard way that lfs employees hand out some pretty misleading info.

The missing shrimp may turn up yet.I put several in with my cool water fish (as snacks)and thought they'd eaten them all within a few hours.They were nowhere to be seen.But a few are still in there and have gradually come out of hiding.


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