The Bourne Ultimatum

SLC Flyfishing

Fish Crazy
Apr 18, 2006
Reaction score
S.L.C. Utah, U.S.A.
I saw the Bourne Ultimatum last night, I'm a huge fan of this series and let me tell you that this was far and away the best one of the three to date. I won't spoil anything for you but let me tell you that you need to see this movie is you are into action and adventure flicks.

I'm going to have to read the new book now!

I cant wait to see it, my dad and I are also huge fans, we might be going to see this weekend :D
I got into the Salt Lake City press screening so I got to see it early. It was fun, but the press was hounding everyone afterwards to see what they thought.

not released in the UK until the 15th :(

I will see it though when it is
I am VERY excited to see it. I loved the first two.
Going to watch the first two on DVD and then go watch it when it comes out :) Looking forwards too it. Hopefully it will fill the action movie whole that Diehard 4.0 left.
seen it i say its about time we actual find out who he actual is. very good film
Good film, enjoyed it. However I don't appreciate the 'hiding dodgy action sequences behind shakey camera work' approach....that might work for a couple of minutes but when it goes on for the whole film it's somewhat annoying.
gonna watch this tonight.

Although i made the mistake of watching the 1st 2 films in the wrong order and was very confused. :lol: :lol:

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