Man-O-man did I score today. The LFS had a red feather starfish that was shedding it limbs due to starvation, so they gave it to me. He will be better in no time. I also got a freebee piece of xenia, which I am very happy about. And to top it all off, my sexy shrimp came in today. If ya know what I mean )
Oh man, I almost forgot. I also picked up some more live rock, it had purple mushroom pollops, star pollops, a small bubble tip anemone, and some other anemone that I have not been able to identify yet tucked into it. Oh, and a bumble bee snail. Oh, what a day, what a day.
Oh man, I almost forgot. I also picked up some more live rock, it had purple mushroom pollops, star pollops, a small bubble tip anemone, and some other anemone that I have not been able to identify yet tucked into it. Oh, and a bumble bee snail. Oh, what a day, what a day.