The Big Score


Mar 1, 2004
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Man-O-man did I score today. The LFS had a red feather starfish that was shedding it limbs due to starvation, so they gave it to me. He will be better in no time. I also got a freebee piece of xenia, which I am very happy about. And to top it all off, my sexy shrimp came in today. :wub: :huh: :eek: :blink: If ya know what I mean :hey: :*)
Oh man, I almost forgot. I also picked up some more live rock, it had purple mushroom pollops, star pollops, a small bubble tip anemone, and some other anemone that I have not been able to identify yet tucked into it. Oh, and a bumble bee snail. Oh, what a day, what a day.
Hold the phone, what the heck is this! Some little crab was on the bottom of the feather star. Black in color, looks like a small tick with crab claws. Any Ideas of what it might be? It looks alot like a squat lobster!

Congrats! Sounds like you are having all kinds of fun. I love Sexy Shrimp, they are such a peaceful and fun to watch invertebrate! It is so mesmerizing watching them move!
yes definatly a squat lobster and it is probably the same colour as what it came out of. good luck on keeping the fether star alive, these are extreemly difficult to keep but it will have a better chance in your tank than at the lfs.

ste :)
I don't know RJ, I have becoma a little leary of things with claws. I have lost a lot of shrimp to them as they grow.


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