The Best X-mas Present!...


Fish Addict
May 25, 2005
Reaction score
Northern California
I came home yesterday after a tiring weekend, went right up to feed my Bettas, and look what was sitting in the tank corner of my #1 jarred Green Butterfly Marble boy....



This is by far the best X-mas present I could ask for. It really makes the past 3 months of work absolutely worth it, to know that they're healthy and happy. Now there is NO way I cannot keep this guy, I'm in love ^_^. I can't believe my little fry aren't so little anymore!

I hope everyone else had happy holidays, too!
Your so lucky I can never seem to get my bettas to build bubble nest that big, one of mine did once but for some reason he didn't like it and he destroyed it and has never built another one since. But congrats on his first bubble nest :thumbs: :- :fish:
Aww he is the sweetest little thing. :wub: Lovely nest too. My new boy built a nest on Xmas day...his first one! :D Fell apart by lunchtime today but am so glad he's happy. :nod:
WOW, what a cutie!!! :wub:
His very first bubblenest... I remember when mine were that age *sigh*
Seeing a betta build a bubble nest always confers a feeling on satisifaction to the owner I think. From one of your own spawns, I can imagine it would feel even better.
2 other boys have nests going, and another boy is... trying :wub:! I can't believe my little 10 week-olds are becoming "men". And this is after being jarred for 5 days! I love these little guys, I have NO idea how I'm going to give them up. LOL

I'm pretty sure the marble boy is going HM!!! His tail is growing like 20* every day!

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