Fish Crazy
Hi, i've got piranhas, and about 2 months ago, as i was about to feed them another 2 goldfish, i noticed something strange about one of the goldfish. It is literally deformed! It has no top-half of a mouth, it just stops right at the eyes! It is so cute, it just has a thin stick for a lower jaw that sticks out like 1.5mm (the glodfish is like 1"). It was so cute, you couldnt help but giggle and feel sorry for it. It takes it like 2 minutes to suck a flake of food in through the smallest hole in it's mouth! My sister and i felt so sorry for it, we saved it (just as my 1 piranha was moving towards it), and we took it out. Now, Gimpy (properly named, or so i think), is about 1.5" long, still deformed, but nice and plump! She is by far the cutest thing ever. Only now, his bottom jaw has stopped growing, so you can barely see it, otherwise i would have taken a pic for you all to so.
Has anyone else had any deformed fish?
Has anyone else had any deformed fish?