the best food


Fish Crazy
Sep 14, 2003
Reaction score
Kitchener, Ontario (Canada)
what is the best kind of food to give to mollies, swordtails, platys that is not that expensevie, i want to get (brime) shrimp but arn't they to big for them to eat and it's quate costly!!! and i don't think flakes are the best for them but thats what i give them and i want to change that. (i think it's junk food )
try sera flake food
its flake but its got daphnia,brine and shrimp in it and
it works really good for pregnant livebearers
I agree with Harris but since you mentioned mollies,remember they required vegies in their diet,find some SPIRULINA-enhanced flakes,that would take care of their vegetable supplement needs.
Brine shrimp are not to big for them......Sorry,are we talking babies here?.....They do sell frozen ones.They are not cheap,but assure you is worth th investment.It could last a while 'cause you dont have to feed them brime s. all the time.Once every other day would be fine.

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