The Arc

Duck and Dive

Fish Herder
Jan 7, 2008
Reaction score
England, South East

I have always wanted to do a planted setup, but due to space issues I coulden't. So I did one for my LFS instead ( as I work there and I thought we needed a planted nano tank)


16L glass bowfront of thing

Fish and Shrimps:

2 mountain minnows (white cloud)
2 Amano Shrimps

Be warned Im not very good with their names:

Java fern
Java moss
(moss, java fern and anubais are attached to a piece of bogwood)

I'm not sure what the plant is which I used for the carpet effect as I just took some cuttings from one. I only had a choice from a few plants to use as the LFS was waiting on an order as the suppliers didn't turn up!


I read a practical fishkeeping article (the one on the best 10 planted tanks in the world, which was in a old issue) and looked at I think it was number 3, I liked the way that they had positioned the vallis in a "arc" shape so I decided to use this idea in this tank (hence the name).

The Pictures:



Please leave helpfull constructive comments as this is my first planted tank!


very nice, i agre with the shrimp but amanos as you will not get any babies then or if you want babie then cherries would be good. also i would say get rid of the WCMM as the tank is not long enough and add something else. :good:
the only reason i said this is because monnows need a longer tank as they are fast movers and a shoal of 5 harlequins would look awsome as they will shoal.
It's a nice start but it looks too central to my eye. I would move the wood in the middle with the moss and anubias over to the right or left, to leave an open space for midground palnts like crptocorynes, which are low light tolerant.

I would also take out the white clouds as they are very active like danios, and need a bigger tank. Instead i would just keep a few cherry and amano shrimp. The cherries will breed so could supply the store with their own home raised shrimp to sell.

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