The Amazing Fading Jack Dempsey


Fish Gatherer
Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Scotland (UK)
For a few months now my jack d has slowly begun fading to yellow. First I noticed his/her face getting some yellow colouration. Then its fins got a yellow/orange rim round them. Lately its ventral fins have turned half orange/yellow too. Its similar to when fish such as parrots/flowerhorns/red devils lose their juvie markings and fade/peel to orange/yellow. Other than the colour change its in perfect health and east like a pig.



hmmmmm quite odd. Is he getting all the nutrient's he need's? Could there be a melanin defincientcy?
hmmmmm quite odd. Is he getting all the nutrient's he need's? Could there be a melanin defincientcy?

He gets a selection of pellets, flake, frozen bloodworm/krill and beefheart so I would assume hes getting everything he needs.
SOunds like he is getting his nurtient's, but could his gene's be programed to have less melanin than normal? If that isnt it i would guess stress, or just his own usinque strange adult coloration.

Well really i was surprised we have just bought a breeding pair of Jack Dempseys we are really happy with them!

they have had a few mealworms and loved those!

Sorry i cant help with your problems hope your fish are well !

Sarah :good:
Woah, that's weird mate.
Possibly down to genetics. Also perhaps it's stress? Being bullied by the other larger cichlids and feeling threatened so the colour goes?
Could it be trying to blend in with the light substrate?
There is a gold color morph of jd's. Maybe that's it. do you know who the breeder is?
I would agree that it has to be in the genes. I've never heard of the gold color morph, but that means little as I haven't heard of alot of things. That's awesome if it is the special color morph... makes your fish more unique. How old is she? Looks maybe less than 6 to 9 monthes measuring proportionally to the tank mates? Maybe if it is the gold color morph, then maybe once the she reaches maturity then she begins to change. That would fit the 6 to 9 month mark.

Interested in what we find out in this thread :good:
Here is a page with pics of a gold morph JD. Actually looks more of a albino type skin morph. It is more gold than pink but it still has the albino feel. I don't know if yours will turn completly light like these pics show, but I guess it's a possibility.

Gold JD

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