Fish Fanatic
well, i have a 3 gal hex which i have been using as a hospital tank for a platy w/ fin and tail rot, and a betta w/ popeye (only on one side).
all was well. i took my carbon out, and began using Maroxy (active ingredient: stabilized chlorine oxides). all seemed ok... the platy was improving.. but then i did a water test. i found chlorine in the water (about 1.0) and my salility was at .42% (i had added salt) and the nitrites were high (about 45-50 i think) and there was a tad ammonia present. so, i did a 30% water change, didnt add salt, and added extra dechlorinater and a little less that 1/4tsp of the meds.
all was well... or so i thought. went away for 2 days, but no-one was adding the meds (i had done 2 or 3 days by then... its a 5 day treatment). came back, tested the water (2 days after the water change), this is what i found:
ammonia: .05
Nitrites: 40
Nitrates: 0
KH: 40
GH: 60
PH: 7.0
Chlorine: 3.0!!!
Salinity: .25
so, being that the platy and betta were still looknig rough, i added 3/4 tsp of decholrinater (1tsp treats 5 gals) and 1/4 tsp of the Maroxy (1/2tsp treats 10 gals) and thought nothing of it. today (about 24 hrs later or so) my platy has gone to heaven, and my betta is fine, but im wondering... did i kill it? i mean, judging by the active ingredient (and it sounds like i O.D.ed on the meds), the chlorine in the water killed my fishes... or the nitrites.... or both. and, if thats the case...
1) why do they sell chlorine as a med?!!
2) why is my Betta not dead??
anyone know? how could i have prevented this now, or in the future? is that a dumb question?
has anyone used this med and had it work for them??
( mean, after i found her dead 5 mins ago, i looked on the package to see the active ingredient... lo and behold... didn't know it before though... arrgh!)
all was well. i took my carbon out, and began using Maroxy (active ingredient: stabilized chlorine oxides). all seemed ok... the platy was improving.. but then i did a water test. i found chlorine in the water (about 1.0) and my salility was at .42% (i had added salt) and the nitrites were high (about 45-50 i think) and there was a tad ammonia present. so, i did a 30% water change, didnt add salt, and added extra dechlorinater and a little less that 1/4tsp of the meds.
all was well... or so i thought. went away for 2 days, but no-one was adding the meds (i had done 2 or 3 days by then... its a 5 day treatment). came back, tested the water (2 days after the water change), this is what i found:
ammonia: .05
Nitrites: 40
Nitrates: 0
KH: 40
GH: 60
PH: 7.0
Chlorine: 3.0!!!
Salinity: .25
so, being that the platy and betta were still looknig rough, i added 3/4 tsp of decholrinater (1tsp treats 5 gals) and 1/4 tsp of the Maroxy (1/2tsp treats 10 gals) and thought nothing of it. today (about 24 hrs later or so) my platy has gone to heaven, and my betta is fine, but im wondering... did i kill it? i mean, judging by the active ingredient (and it sounds like i O.D.ed on the meds), the chlorine in the water killed my fishes... or the nitrites.... or both. and, if thats the case...
1) why do they sell chlorine as a med?!!
2) why is my Betta not dead??
anyone know? how could i have prevented this now, or in the future? is that a dumb question?
has anyone used this med and had it work for them??
( mean, after i found her dead 5 mins ago, i looked on the package to see the active ingredient... lo and behold... didn't know it before though... arrgh!)