The A To Z Of Common Medications

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plain teatree oil is a very good anti bacterial. keeping Cray as i do, they are prone to bacterial infection, helps fins heal too.
Melafix-Api- Rapidly repairs open wounds, damaged fins, red ulcers and cloudy eyes.

1% cajeput oil
1% emulsifier (Crovol PK-70 nonionic emulsifier)
0.2% defoamer (FG-10 by Dow Corning)
97.8% deionized water"
Note- cajeput oil is another name for oil from the tree Melaleuca

Maracyn Tc- Mardel - broad spectrum antibiotic effective primarily against gram-negative
Treats- popeye, gill disease, fin and tail rot and secondary infections.
Tetracycline hydrochloride.

Coppersafe by Mardel- chelated copper- ich, velvet other protozoans.

Maroxy by Mardel- anti-fungus- MarOxy successfully controls fungus infections caused by Saprolegnia, Ichthyosporidium, egg fungus, and related species, and safely controls fungus infections
stabilized chlorine oxides (looking for more info on this one)

Trisulfa by Mardel -fin and tail rot, gill disease, and popeye. TriSulfa can also be used to prevent secondary infections from developing when treating for parasites
sodium sulfathiazole,sodium sulfamethazine + sodium sulfacetamide.

Maracide by Mardel-anti-parasitic- Ick (Ichthyophthirius), Chilodinella, Trichodina, Gyrodactylus, Velvet. DO NOT OVERDOSE.
(hydroxymethyl) aminomethane, Dibromohydroxymercuriflourescein, Aniline Green

Notes from Mardel on biological filtration: "Nitrobacter and Nitrosomonas are recognized as the primary beneficial bacteria present in the biological filtration system of any aquarium. Some drugs which treat fish diseases and parasitic infestations are harmful to these 'good' bacteria. When the biological filter is upset, there is a buildup of ammonia and nitrite concentrations resulting in fish distress and death. Mardel products have been tested with known strains of these bacteria with no adverse effects noted. When used as directed, they do not interfere with the biological filter.

these are a few more ive found out over last few weeks.
Methylene Blue
Active Ingredient:

which companies methylene blue?

btw both waterlife and interpet will not state what their active ingredients are,
in fact interpet got quite guarded and concerned about my request.

I understand that legistation is goning to change very soon in the UK reguarding animal meds and they will all have to put the active ingredients on the bottle.
I guess I'll add those as and when.

I was just trying to find the active ingredients for Myxazin (Waterlife) on the internet and can find nothing. Thats doubly annoying as about a year ago when i had (what seems to have been a bad fluke problem with my live-bearers) i e-mailed Waterlife and actually swapped a few emails with this chap who have gave me the active ingredients for Myxazin, Protozin and Sterazine. If i had known how damn hard it was to get these people to "talk" i would have been sure to keep the e-mail, but now i cant find it!!!

I do remember the guys name... it was Mike if anyone wants to try Waterlife's general UK e-mail address. But this was over a year ago now.......

And it would be good to get the active ingredient for Interpet's, i think it should be illegal not to give out this information :crazy:
I think the legistation comes into force on september the 25th,
but can't find any info in the ether to confirm that.
Waterlife protozin
malachite green

Waterlife Sterazin
contains formalin

Waterlife Myxazin
contains formalin

Maracyn Tc- Mardel - broad spectrum antibiotic effective primarily against gram-negative
Treats- popeye, gill disease, fin and tail rot and secondary infections.
Tetracycline hydrochloride.

Coppersafe by Mardel- chelated copper- ich, velvet other protozoans.

Maroxy by Mardel- anti-fungus- MarOxy successfully controls fungus infections caused by Saprolegnia, Ichthyosporidium, egg fungus, and related species, and safely controls fungus infections
stabilized chlorine oxides (looking for more info on this one)

Trisulfa by Mardel -fin and tail rot, gill disease, and popeye. TriSulfa can also be used to prevent secondary infections from developing when treating for parasites
sodium sulfathiazole,sodium sulfamethazine + sodium sulfacetamide.

Maracide by Mardel-anti-parasitic- Ick (Ichthyophthirius), Chilodinella, Trichodina, Gyrodactylus, Velvet. DO NOT OVERDOSE.
(hydroxymethyl) aminomethane, Dibromohydroxymercuriflourescein, Aniline Green

ESHA 2000 (UK) - contains:
6.3 mg Ethacridine lactate, (AKA: Rivanol an antibacterial acridine, sometimes used to treat shigella.)
1 mg Proflavin, an acridine closely related to acriflavin and used for protozoans (velvet), gram positive bacteria, and fungus.
3.2 mg Copper ++ - Used for protozoans (ich and velvet). Note: Effective against parasites, but often toxic to fish, espceially in soft water.
0.26 mg Methyl Orange - A multifunctional product.

Melafix-Api- Rapidly repairs open wounds, damaged fins, red ulcers and cloudy eyes.

1% cajeput oil
1% emulsifier (Crovol PK-70 nonionic emulsifier)
0.2% defoamer (FG-10 by Dow Corning)
97.8% deionized water"
Note- cajeput oil is another name for oil from the tree Melaleuca
Here is a list of active ingredients found in common medications.
If there are any that are missing, that you know the active ingredients of, please post and I'll add it to the list.
I'm awaiting an email from interpet about their meds so they can be added.

Ampicillex by Aquatronics (USA)Ampicillin trihydrate used for Bacterial infections.

Aquarium care fin rot by NT Labs (UK) Acriflavine, Aminoacridine, Hydrocloride & Formaldehyde used for Flukes and external bacterial infections in Freshwater tropical and coldwater fish.

Aquarium care fungus by NT Labs (UK) Malachite Green used for Fungal & Ectoparasite infections in Freshwater tropical and coldwater fish.

Aquarium Doctor :MM2 by Tap (UK) Coppper sulphate, Malachite Green, Polyvinylpyrrolidone & Oragnic Sulphur used for External Bacterial, Oodinum & fungal infections in Marine fish. Note Harmful to inverts

Aquarium Doctor: FC11 by Tap (UK) Acriflavine, EDTA, Silver, Copper, Polyvinylpyrrolidone & Organic Sulphur used for External Bacterial infections in Marine fish.

Aquarium Doctor: WSP by Tap (UK) Formaldehyde, Malachite Green, Methylene Blue, Para Rosaniline & Sodium chloride used for Protozoal infections and Flukes in Freshwater & Marine fish. Note Harmful to mormynids use half dose if marine inverts present

Aquarium Doctor; BSB by Tap (UK) Acriflavine, Hydrochloride & Malachite Green used for External bacterial & fungal infections in Freshwater & Marine fish.

Bactocide by NT Labs (UK) Acriflavine, Aminoacridine, Hydrochloride & Formaldehyde used for External Bacterial, Oodinum & Flukes in Freshwater & Marine fish.

Baktopur by Sera (Europe/USA) Acriflavine, 1.3-butylglycol & Methylene Blue used for External Bacterial infections in Freshwater fish. Note Harmful to nitrifying bacteria

Baktopur direct by Sera (Europe/US) Nifurprinol used for internal & external bacterial infections in Freshwater & Marine fish. Note Harmful to inverts

Bettamax by Aquatronics (USA) Nitrofurazone, Methylene Blue, sodium Chloride, Sulphamethazine, Sulphadiazine & Sulphamerazine used for Bacterial infections in Bettas

BGDX by Argent (USA) Chloramine-T used for Bacterial Gill infections

Chloramine T by Vertark (UK) Chloramine T used for External bacterial, protozoa (ICH) & Flukes in Cold freshwater fish. Note higher dose needed for high Ph/ KH

Clear-Ich by Aquatronics (USA) Quinine Monohydrochloride, Gentian Violet, Sodium Chloride & Diatomaceous Earth used for ICH.

Clout by Aquarium (USA) 4-p-Dimethylamino-o-phenylbenzylidene-2.5cyclohexadien-1-xylidenedimethyl Ammonium Chloride & Dimethyl used for Ectoparasite infections.

Costapur by Sera (Europe/USA) Malachite Green used for Protozoal infections (ICH, Costia Chilodonerlla) in Freshwater & Marine fish. Note Harmful to marine inverts

Cyprinopur by Sera (Europe/USA) 1.3-dihydroxylbenzol, Ethonol & Phenol used for Open Wounds & Ulcers in Pond fish.

Cyptopur by Sera (Europe/USA) 1.3-dihydroxylbenzol used for Protozoal infections (Cryptocaryon) in Marine fish.

Diseasolve Aquarium antiseptic by NT Labs (UK) Acriflavine & Meythelene Blue used for External bacterial & Protozoal infections in Tropical freshwater fish.

Diseasolve for ponds
by NT Labs (UK) Acriflavine & Meythelene Blue used for External Bacterial & Ectoparasite infections in Koi & other carp.

by Sera (Europe/USA) Sodium Borate, Sodium Chloride & Sodium Perborate used for Ectoparasite & Fungal Infections in Freshwater & Marine fish.

Fin Rot Terminator by Sinclair (UK) Silver Protenate used for External Bacterial infections in Freshwater Fish. Note Best effects at 16-27C

Fluke Tabs by Aquarium (USA) Trichlorfon & Mebendazole used for Tapeworms, Copepods, Flukes, Lice & Capillaria.

Formalachite by PPI (UK) Formaldehyde & Malachite Green used for Protozoal infections (ICH, Costia Trichodina) & Flukes in Cold Freshwater fish.

Formalin by PPI (UK) Formaldehyde used for Protozoal (ICH, Costia, Trichodina) & Fluke infections in Cold freshwater fish.

Formalite 1
by Aquatronics (USA) Formaldehyde, Malchite Green & Copper sulphate used for Ectoparasite infections.

Formalite 2 by Aquatronics (USA) Formaldehyde, copper & nickel Sulphate used for Ectoparasite infections.

Fungi Cure by Aquarium (USA) Victoria Green, Green Band & Neutroflavins used for Fungal infections.

Fungus Guard by Jungle (USA) Sodium Chloride, Potassium Chloride, triethyelene Glycol, EDTA, Methelyene Blue, Polyvinylpyrrolidone & Nitromersol Acriflavine used for Fungal infections.

Furazone Green by Various makers (USA) Methyelene Blue, Nitrofurazone & Furazolidine used for External Bacterial and Fungal Infections.

General Cure by Aquarium (USA) Metronidazole, Copper Sulphate & Trichlorfon

ICK Guard by Jungle (USA) Triethylene Glycol, Victiria Green, Nitromersal & Acriflavin used for ICH.

ICK Guard 2 by Jungle (USA) Formalin, Carmisine Red, Triethylene Glycol, Victiria Green, Sodium Hydroxide, Nitromersal & Acriflavin used for ICH in scaleless fish.

Kanamycin by Aquatrol (USA) Kanamycin sulphate used for Bacterial infections.

Koi Anti Fungus and Bacterial by Interpet (UK) Acrflavine, Malachite Green & Methylene Blue used for External bacterial & Fungal infections in Pond fish. Note Harmful to Orfe, Rudd and Stergeons/Sterlets

Koi Anti Parasite FS by Interpet (UK) Formaldehyde, Malachite Green & Methylene Blue used for Flukes & Protozoal infections in Pond Fish.

Koi Care Acriflavine by NT Labs (UK) Acriflavine used for External bacterial, protozoal & fungal infections in Pond fish. Note can be used with tropicals with care as it is easy to overdose

Koi Care Calm by NT Labs (UK) Clove oil use as a clamative in Pond Fish. Note very easy to overdose, clove oil is used for euthanasia

Koi Care FMG by NT Labs (UK) Formaldehyde & Malachite Green used for Fungal & Protozoal infections in Pond fish. Note can be used with tropicals with care as it is easy to overdose Harmful to Orfe, Rudd, Tench and Stergeons/Sterlets

Koi Care Gillwash by NT Labs (UK) Benzalkionium chloride used for Bacterial Gill infections in Pond Fish. Note Harmful to nitrifying bacteria; use half dose in soft water.

Koi Care Malachite Green by NT Labs (UK) Malachite Green used for Fungal & external Parasite infections in Pond Fish.

Koi Care Ulcer-Swab by NT Labs (UK) Benzalkonium chloride & Providone used as a cleaner of wounds on Pond Fish. Note Apply directly to fish, do not dose pond

Koi Care Wound Seal by NT Labs (UK) Zinc cream used to seal wounds and promote healing in Pond Fish. Note Apply directly to fish, do not dose pond

Maracyn 1 by Mardel (USA) Erythromicin used for Bacterial infections

Maracyn 2 by Mardel (USA) Minocycline used for Bacterial infections

Metrozol by Aquatrol (USA) Metronidazole used for HITH & External Protozoal infections

Mycopur by Sera (Europe/USA) Acriflavine, Copper chloride & Copper sulphate used for Flukes and Fungal Infections in Tropical freshwater fish. Note Harmful to nitrifying bacteria

Nitrofurazone by Aquatrol (USA) Nitrofurazone used for Bacterial infections

Omnisan by Sera (Europe/USA) Malachite Green used for Fungal & Ectoparasite infections in Pond Fish.

Oodinopur A by Sera (Europe/USA) Copper chloride & Copper sulphate used for Protozoal (Oodinum) Infections in Freshwater & Marine fish. Note Harmful to marine inverts

Paracide by NT Labs (UK) Citric acid, Cupric sulphate & Formaldehyde used for Protozoal & Fungal Infections in Pond fish. Note Harmful to inverts

Paracide Green by Argent (USA) p-P-benzylidene-N-N-dimethyalanine & Formalin used for Ectoparasite and Fungal infections.

Paragon 1 by Aquatronics (USA) Dibromohydroxymercuriluorescein & Malachite Green used for Ectoparasite infections.

Paragon 2 by Aquatronics (USA) Metronidazole, Neomycin sulphate, Furazolidone, Naladixic acid & Sodium chloride used as a wide range anti-bacterial and anti-parasitical treatment.

Prefuran (Furanace) by Argent (USA) Nifurpirnol used for Most Bacterial infections, HITH & Sarpolegnia.

Tetrafin Gold Med; goldfish Disease treatment by Tetra (UK) Formaldehyde & Malachite Green oxalate used for Flukes, External Bacterial, Protozoal & Fungal infections in Coldwater Aquarium fish.

White spot terminator (WS3) by Sinclair (AKA KING BRITISH) (UK) Acriflavine, Malachite Green & Quinine sulphate used for Protozoal Infections in Freshwater fish. Note Best used at 25-30C; Toxic to marine life

Zeemax by Jungle (USA) Sodium chloride, Nitrofurazone, Nitromersol, Triethylene glycol, Potassium permanganate & Acriflavine used as a wide range anti-bacterial and anti-parasitical treatment. Note Safe for species sensative to organophosphates.

I hope this has proved helpful in some way

General tonic by Tetra (UK) Ethacridine-lactate, acriflavine, methylene blue & 9-aminocridine-hydrocloride.

Fungistop by Tetra (UK) Silver collid & Mentanii yellow.

Contra spot by Tetra (UK) Formeldehyde, Malachite green & Carbinolhydrochloride

Has anybody got an update on "Active Ingredients"

Especially Waterlife?

I'm under the impression Protozin contains Malachite Green (0.085% w/v), Formaldehyde (0.07%) and Copper Sulphate (0.015%), does anybody know about Myxazin and Sterazin (in terms of active ingredients plus strength)

I did have all this e-mailed to me over a year ago by Waterlife but have lost the e-mail, i have e-mailed them back today but wondered if anyone on here knows?

Also, anyone know about Interpet Anti Velvet & Slime active ingredients? UPDATE: i have this now, see below

Methylene Blue
Active Ingredient:

which companies methylene blue?

btw both waterlife and interpet will not state what their active ingredients are,
in fact interpet got quite guarded and concerned about my request.

I understand that legistation is goning to change very soon in the UK reguarding animal meds and they will all have to put the active ingredients on the bottle.
I guess I'll add those as and when.

What happened with Interpet mate? Did you threaten to huff puff and blow their house down lol

I'll let you know what Waterlife say, i've noticed some of the Interpet meds now state their active ingredients and strengths
Another member posted the active ingredients of Waterlife Protozin in the scientific forum and i also noticed today that my local LFS had small bottles of Protozin on with the active ingredients, it's definitly what i mentioned above

i.e. Malachite Green (0.085% w/v), Formaldehyde (0.07% w/v) and Copper Sulphate (0.015% w/v).

Other active ingredients i know about with medications (Interpet) are

Number 9 (Anti Internal Bacteria)
Bronopol (0.522%)
Formaldehyde (0.9%)
Benzalkonium Chloride (0.25%)

Number 7 (Anti Slime and Velvet)
Copper EDTA (7.14%)
Quinine Bisulphate (0.975%)
Formaldehyde (0.9%)
Benzalkonium Chloride (0.2%)

Number 8 (Anti Fungus and Finrot)
Phenoxyethanol (40%)

Number 6 (Anti White Spot)
Formaldehyde (5%) - this is an increase from 4.5% previous
Malachite Green (0.047%)

Number 5 (Liquisil General Tonic)
Bronopol (not sure on strength)
Copper EDTA (3.75%)
Formaldehyde (not sure on strength)
Silver Proteinate (not sure on strength)

Number 13 (Anti Swim Bladder)
Bronopol (1.045%)
Formaldehyde (1.8%)
Benzalkonium Chloride (0.5%)

w/v is weight/volume %, on some meds it's expressed this way, on others the strength seems to be in mg/per 100mls, to get the above w/v % into mg/per 100mls, multiply the w/v % by 1000
Okay i have the ingredients for Myxazin, just looking for Sterazin now really


Malachite Green (0.17% w/v), Formaldehyde (0.24% w/v) and Acriflavine (0.11% w/v).

When compared to Protozin, the dose of Malachite Green going into your tank is the same (from checking dosing instructions of new style labelled Protozin and Myxaxin).

The difference between the two meds, is that Myxazin contains a little bit more Formaldehyde (x1.7 the amount of Protozin) and that Myxazin substitues Copper with Acriflavine.

You also add more Myxazin as well, as thats days 1-5 whereas Protozin is days 1,2,3 and 6
this is fantastic you guys-I've been searching for ages to find the waterlife ingredients-no active ingredients on the ones at LFS yet :thumbs: was away to get malachite green when I already have a big bottle of Protozin-just need to work out concentrations
Can anyone please tell me how urgent it is to treat fin rot? as its not possible for me to get the pet store for another day? will he last? he's a male molly, that has been "ill" for the last two days and has been in isolation...
is Maracyn safe with baby fish and if i read the instructions right, Maracyn 1 - 2 packets(for a 20 gal) for 5 days and Maracyn 2 - 2 packets first day and 1 packet a day for 5 days after that

if im wrong lemme know thanks
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