The A To Z Of Common Medications

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Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
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Kent UK
Here is a list of active ingredients found in common medications.
If there are any that are missing, that you know the active ingredients of, please post and I'll add it to the list.
I'm awaiting an email from interpet about their meds so they can be added.

Ampicillex by Aquatronics (USA)Ampicillin trihydrate used for Bacterial infections.

Aquarium care fin rot by NT Labs (UK) Acriflavine, Aminoacridine, Hydrocloride & Formaldehyde used for Flukes and external bacterial infections in Freshwater tropical and coldwater fish.

Aquarium care fungus by NT Labs (UK) Malachite Green used for Fungal & Ectoparasite infections in Freshwater tropical and coldwater fish.

Aquarium Doctor :MM2 by Tap (UK) Coppper sulphate, Malachite Green, Polyvinylpyrrolidone & Oragnic Sulphur used for External Bacterial, Oodinum & fungal infections in Marine fish. Note Harmful to inverts

Aquarium Doctor: FC11 by Tap (UK) Acriflavine, EDTA, Silver, Copper, Polyvinylpyrrolidone & Organic Sulphur used for External Bacterial infections in Marine fish.

Aquarium Doctor: WSP by Tap (UK) Formaldehyde, Malachite Green, Methylene Blue, Para Rosaniline & Sodium chloride used for Protozoal infections and Flukes in Freshwater & Marine fish. Note Harmful to mormynids use half dose if marine inverts present

Aquarium Doctor; BSB by Tap (UK) Acriflavine, Hydrochloride & Malachite Green used for External bacterial & fungal infections in Freshwater & Marine fish.

Bactocide by NT Labs (UK) Acriflavine, Aminoacridine, Hydrochloride & Formaldehyde used for External Bacterial, Oodinum & Flukes in Freshwater & Marine fish.

Baktopur by Sera (Europe/USA) Acriflavine, 1.3-butylglycol & Methylene Blue used for External Bacterial infections in Freshwater fish. Note Harmful to nitrifying bacteria

Baktopur direct by Sera (Europe/US) Nifurprinol used for internal & external bacterial infections in Freshwater & Marine fish. Note Harmful to inverts

Bettamax by Aquatronics (USA) Nitrofurazone, Methylene Blue, sodium Chloride, Sulphamethazine, Sulphadiazine & Sulphamerazine used for Bacterial infections in Bettas

BGDX by Argent (USA) Chloramine-T used for Bacterial Gill infections

Chloramine T by Vertark (UK) Chloramine T used for External bacterial, protozoa (ICH) & Flukes in Cold freshwater fish. Note higher dose needed for high Ph/ KH

Clear-Ich by Aquatronics (USA) Quinine Monohydrochloride, Gentian Violet, Sodium Chloride & Diatomaceous Earth used for ICH.

Clout by Aquarium (USA) 4-p-Dimethylamino-o-phenylbenzylidene-2.5cyclohexadien-1-xylidenedimethyl Ammonium Chloride & Dimethyl used for Ectoparasite infections.

Costapur by Sera (Europe/USA) Malachite Green used for Protozoal infections (ICH, Costia Chilodonerlla) in Freshwater & Marine fish. Note Harmful to marine inverts

Cyprinopur by Sera (Europe/USA) 1.3-dihydroxylbenzol, Ethonol & Phenol used for Open Wounds & Ulcers in Pond fish.

Cyptopur by Sera (Europe/USA) 1.3-dihydroxylbenzol used for Protozoal infections (Cryptocaryon) in Marine fish.

Diseasolve Aquarium antiseptic by NT Labs (UK) Acriflavine & Meythelene Blue used for External bacterial & Protozoal infections in Tropical freshwater fish.

Diseasolve for ponds
by NT Labs (UK) Acriflavine & Meythelene Blue used for External Bacterial & Ectoparasite infections in Koi & other carp.

by Sera (Europe/USA) Sodium Borate, Sodium Chloride & Sodium Perborate used for Ectoparasite & Fungal Infections in Freshwater & Marine fish.

Fin Rot Terminator by Sinclair (UK) Silver Protenate used for External Bacterial infections in Freshwater Fish. Note Best effects at 16-27C

Fluke Tabs by Aquarium (USA) Trichlorfon & Mebendazole used for Tapeworms, Copepods, Flukes, Lice & Capillaria.

Formalachite by PPI (UK) Formaldehyde & Malachite Green used for Protozoal infections (ICH, Costia Trichodina) & Flukes in Cold Freshwater fish.

Formalin by PPI (UK) Formaldehyde used for Protozoal (ICH, Costia, Trichodina) & Fluke infections in Cold freshwater fish.

Formalite 1
by Aquatronics (USA) Formaldehyde, Malchite Green & Copper sulphate used for Ectoparasite infections.

Formalite 2 by Aquatronics (USA) Formaldehyde, copper & nickel Sulphate used for Ectoparasite infections.

Fungi Cure by Aquarium (USA) Victoria Green, Green Band & Neutroflavins used for Fungal infections.

Fungus Guard by Jungle (USA) Sodium Chloride, Potassium Chloride, triethyelene Glycol, EDTA, Methelyene Blue, Polyvinylpyrrolidone & Nitromersol Acriflavine used for Fungal infections.

Furazone Green by Various makers (USA) Methyelene Blue, Nitrofurazone & Furazolidine used for External Bacterial and Fungal Infections.

General Cure by Aquarium (USA) Metronidazole, Copper Sulphate & Trichlorfon

ICK Guard by Jungle (USA) Triethylene Glycol, Victiria Green, Nitromersal & Acriflavin used for ICH.

ICK Guard 2 by Jungle (USA) Formalin, Carmisine Red, Triethylene Glycol, Victiria Green, Sodium Hydroxide, Nitromersal & Acriflavin used for ICH in scaleless fish.

Kanamycin by Aquatrol (USA) Kanamycin sulphate used for Bacterial infections.

Koi Anti Fungus and Bacterial by Interpet (UK) Acrflavine, Malachite Green & Methylene Blue used for External bacterial & Fungal infections in Pond fish. Note Harmful to Orfe, Rudd and Stergeons/Sterlets

Koi Anti Parasite FS by Interpet (UK) Formaldehyde, Malachite Green & Methylene Blue used for Flukes & Protozoal infections in Pond Fish.

Koi Care Acriflavine by NT Labs (UK) Acriflavine used for External bacterial, protozoal & fungal infections in Pond fish. Note can be used with tropicals with care as it is easy to overdose

Koi Care Calm by NT Labs (UK) Clove oil use as a clamative in Pond Fish. Note very easy to overdose, clove oil is used for euthanasia

Koi Care FMG by NT Labs (UK) Formaldehyde & Malachite Green used for Fungal & Protozoal infections in Pond fish. Note can be used with tropicals with care as it is easy to overdose Harmful to Orfe, Rudd, Tench and Stergeons/Sterlets

Koi Care Gillwash by NT Labs (UK) Benzalkionium chloride used for Bacterial Gill infections in Pond Fish. Note Harmful to nitrifying bacteria; use half dose in soft water.

Koi Care Malachite Green by NT Labs (UK) Malachite Green used for Fungal & external Parasite infections in Pond Fish.

Koi Care Ulcer-Swab by NT Labs (UK) Benzalkonium chloride & Providone used as a cleaner of wounds on Pond Fish. Note Apply directly to fish, do not dose pond

Koi Care Wound Seal by NT Labs (UK) Zinc cream used to seal wounds and promote healing in Pond Fish. Note Apply directly to fish, do not dose pond

Maracyn 1 by Mardel (USA) Erythromicin used for Bacterial infections

Maracyn 2 by Mardel (USA) Minocycline used for Bacterial infections

Metrozol by Aquatrol (USA) Metronidazole used for HITH & External Protozoal infections

Mycopur by Sera (Europe/USA) Acriflavine, Copper chloride & Copper sulphate used for Flukes and Fungal Infections in Tropical freshwater fish. Note Harmful to nitrifying bacteria

Nitrofurazone by Aquatrol (USA) Nitrofurazone used for Bacterial infections

Omnisan by Sera (Europe/USA) Malachite Green used for Fungal & Ectoparasite infections in Pond Fish.

Oodinopur A by Sera (Europe/USA) Copper chloride & Copper sulphate used for Protozoal (Oodinum) Infections in Freshwater & Marine fish. Note Harmful to marine inverts

Paracide by NT Labs (UK) Citric acid, Cupric sulphate & Formaldehyde used for Protozoal & Fungal Infections in Pond fish. Note Harmful to inverts

Paracide Green by Argent (USA) p-P-benzylidene-N-N-dimethyalanine & Formalin used for Ectoparasite and Fungal infections.

Paragon 1 by Aquatronics (USA) Dibromohydroxymercuriluorescein & Malachite Green used for Ectoparasite infections.

Paragon 2 by Aquatronics (USA) Metronidazole, Neomycin sulphate, Furazolidone, Naladixic acid & Sodium chloride used as a wide range anti-bacterial and anti-parasitical treatment.

Prefuran (Furanace) by Argent (USA) Nifurpirnol used for Most Bacterial infections, HITH & Sarpolegnia.

Tetrafin Gold Med; goldfish Disease treatment by Tetra (UK) Formaldehyde & Malachite Green oxalate used for Flukes, External Bacterial, Protozoal & Fungal infections in Coldwater Aquarium fish.

White spot terminator (WS3) by Sinclair (AKA KING BRITISH) (UK) Acriflavine, Malachite Green & Quinine sulphate used for Protozoal Infections in Freshwater fish. Note Best used at 25-30C; Toxic to marine life

Zeemax by Jungle (USA) Sodium chloride, Nitrofurazone, Nitromersol, Triethylene glycol, Potassium permanganate & Acriflavine used as a wide range anti-bacterial and anti-parasitical treatment. Note Safe for species sensative to organophosphates.

I hope this has proved helpful in some way

General tonic by Tetra (UK) Ethacridine-lactate, acriflavine, methylene blue & 9-aminocridine-hydrocloride.

Fungistop by Tetra (UK) Silver collid & Mentanii yellow.

Contra spot by Tetra (UK) Formeldehyde, Malachite green & Carbinolhydrochloride
thanks wolf
good to have a list. its sometimes very hard to find any info on the actual active ingredients in these over the counter meds ( in the uk) & i like to know WHAT im dosing with before i try it then at least i will have an idea if its likely to work or a bit of a waste of time(yes im a nurse!!!) i had a nasty scare with interpets No8 (finrot & fungus) once - it knocked or tiger barbs out cold for 3 was one of the few of interpets meds that actually tell you the ingredient on the box......bit of google searching & the mystery was solved the active ingredient is phenoxyethanol which used to be used as a fish anaesthetic, our barbs recovered after their long sleep with no ill effects but gave us a scare, we thought we'd killed them!!!
id like to know the active ingreds for waterlifes stuff - do you have any info for them???
i do also find its frustrating not to be able to get stronger stuff here in the uk like they can get easily in the states esp when faced with a severe problem.....not that im advocating the 'willy nilly' use of antibiotics but its almost impossible to get proper help here have you ever tried to find a vet to help??? impossible unless you have a large fish they dont really seem to want to help.
King British Revitiliser Tonic:
Active Ingredient: Liquified Salts
When To Use:
Fish Appearing Sluggish But No Obvious Symptoms
Fish Looking Bloated And Near Surface of Water
Body Appears Covered In Slime
Fish Appear Unbalanced/Unstable

Methylene Blue
Active Ingredient:
When To Use:
Fish Rubbing Or Flicking On Sides
Rapid Gill Movement And Always At Water Surface
Clamped Fins And No Effort To Move
Cotton Wool Like Growths On Fish Or Eggs
Fish On Tank Bottom
An Antiseptic


Hope This Helps A Bit... Ill Crack up Some More Later...

Methylene Blue
Active Ingredient:

which companies methylene blue?

btw both waterlife and interpet will not state what their active ingredients are,
in fact interpet got quite guarded and concerned about my request.

I understand that legistation is goning to change very soon in the UK reguarding animal meds and they will all have to put the active ingredients on the bottle.
I guess I'll add those as and when.
Thank you for the information I am wondering if you can't help me diagnose my goldfish illness. Her scales and falling off of her body. no discoloration water is good after testing none os the other fish are exibiting signs of anyting.. Your best guess would be terrific?

Here is a list of active ingredients found in common medications.
If there are any that are missing, that you know the active ingredients of, please post and I'll add it to the list.
I'm awaiting an email from interpet about their meds so they can be added.

Ampicillex by Aquatronics (USA)Ampicillin trihydrate used for Bacterial infections.

Aquarium care fin rot by NT Labs (UK) Acriflavine, Aminoacridine, Hydrocloride & Formaldehyde used for Flukes and external bacterial infections in Freshwater tropical and coldwater fish.

Aquarium care fungus by NT Labs (UK) Malachite Green used for Fungal & Ectoparasite infections in Freshwater tropical and coldwater fish.

Aquarium Doctor :MM2 by Tap (UK) Coppper sulphate, Malachite Green, Polyvinylpyrrolidone & Oragnic Sulphur used for External Bacterial, Oodinum & fungal infections in Marine fish. Note Harmful to inverts

Aquarium Doctor: FC11 by Tap (UK) Acriflavine, EDTA, Silver, Copper, Polyvinylpyrrolidone & Organic Sulphur used for External Bacterial infections in Marine fish.

Aquarium Doctor: WSP by Tap (UK) Formaldehyde, Malachite Green, Methylene Blue, Para Rosaniline & Sodium chloride used for Protozoal infections and Flukes in Freshwater & Marine fish. Note Harmful to mormynids use half dose if marine inverts present

Aquarium Doctor; BSB by Tap (UK) Acriflavine, Hydrochloride & Malachite Green used for External bacterial & fungal infections in Freshwater & Marine fish.

Bactocide by NT Labs (UK) Acriflavine, Aminoacridine, Hydrochloride & Formaldehyde used for External Bacterial, Oodinum & Flukes in Freshwater & Marine fish.

Baktopur by Sera (Europe/USA) Acriflavine, 1.3-butylglycol & Methylene Blue used for External Bacterial infections in Freshwater fish. Note Harmful to nitrifying bacteria

Baktopur direct by Sera (Europe/US) Nifurprinol used for internal & external bacterial infections in Freshwater & Marine fish. Note Harmful to inverts

Bettamax by Aquatronics (USA) Nitrofurazone, Methylene Blue, sodium Chloride, Sulphamethazine, Sulphadiazine & Sulphamerazine used for Bacterial infections in Bettas

BGDX by Argent (USA) Chloramine-T used for Bacterial Gill infections

Chloramine T by Vertark (UK) Chloramine T used for External bacterial, protozoa (ICH) & Flukes in Cold freshwater fish. Note higher dose needed for high Ph/ KH

Clear-Ich by Aquatronics (USA) Quinine Monohydrochloride, Gentian Violet, Sodium Chloride & Diatomaceous Earth used for ICH.

Clout by Aquarium (USA) 4-p-Dimethylamino-o-phenylbenzylidene-2.5cyclohexadien-1-xylidenedimethyl Ammonium Chloride & Dimethyl used for Ectoparasite infections.

Costapur by Sera (Europe/USA) Malachite Green used for Protozoal infections (ICH, Costia Chilodonerlla) in Freshwater & Marine fish. Note Harmful to marine inverts

Cyprinopur by Sera (Europe/USA) 1.3-dihydroxylbenzol, Ethonol & Phenol used for Open Wounds & Ulcers in Pond fish.

by Sera (Europe/USA) 1.3-dihydroxylbenzol used for Protozoal infections (Cryptocaryon) in Marine fish.

Diseasolve Aquarium antiseptic by NT Labs (UK) Acriflavine & Meythelene Blue used for External bacterial & Protozoal infections in Tropical freshwater fish.

Diseasolve for ponds
by NT Labs (UK) Acriflavine & Meythelene Blue used for External Bacterial & Ectoparasite infections in Koi & other carp.

by Sera (Europe/USA) Sodium Borate, Sodium Chloride & Sodium Perborate used for Ectoparasite & Fungal Infections in Freshwater & Marine fish.

Fin Rot Terminator by Sinclair (UK) Silver Protenate used for External Bacterial infections in Freshwater Fish. Note Best effects at 16-27C

Fluke Tabs by Aquarium (USA) Trichlorfon & Mebendazole used for Tapeworms, Copepods, Flukes, Lice & Capillaria.

Formalachite by PPI (UK) Formaldehyde & Malachite Green used for Protozoal infections (ICH, Costia Trichodina) & Flukes in Cold Freshwater fish.

Formalin by PPI (UK) Formaldehyde used for Protozoal (ICH, Costia, Trichodina) & Fluke infections in Cold freshwater fish.

Formalite 1
by Aquatronics (USA) Formaldehyde, Malchite Green & Copper sulphate used for Ectoparasite infections.

Formalite 2 by Aquatronics (USA) Formaldehyde, copper & nickel Sulphate used for Ectoparasite infections.

Fungi Cure by Aquarium (USA) Victoria Green, Green Band & Neutroflavins used for Fungal infections.

Fungus Guard by Jungle (USA) Sodium Chloride, Potassium Chloride, triethyelene Glycol, EDTA, Methelyene Blue, Polyvinylpyrrolidone & Nitromersol Acriflavine used for Fungal infections.

Furazone Green by Various makers (USA) Methyelene Blue, Nitrofurazone & Furazolidine used for External Bacterial and Fungal Infections.

General Cure by Aquarium (USA) Metronidazole, Copper Sulphate & Trichlorfon

ICK Guard by Jungle (USA) Triethylene Glycol, Victiria Green, Nitromersal & Acriflavin used for ICH.

ICK Guard 2 by Jungle (USA) Formalin, Carmisine Red, Triethylene Glycol, Victiria Green, Sodium Hydroxide, Nitromersal & Acriflavin used for ICH in scaleless fish.

Kanamycin by Aquatrol (USA) Kanamycin sulphate used for Bacterial infections.

Koi Anti Fungus and Bacterial by Interpet (UK) Acrflavine, Malachite Green & Methylene Blue used for External bacterial & Fungal infections in Pond fish. Note Harmful to Orfe, Rudd and Stergeons/Sterlets

Koi Anti Parasite FS by Interpet (UK) Formaldehyde, Malachite Green & Methylene Blue used for Flukes & Protozoal infections in Pond Fish.

Koi Care Acriflavine by NT Labs (UK) Acriflavine used for External bacterial, protozoal & fungal infections in Pond fish. Note can be used with tropicals with care as it is easy to overdose

Koi Care Calm by NT Labs (UK) Clove oil use as a clamative in Pond Fish. Note very easy to overdose, clove oil is used for euthanasia

Koi Care FMG by NT Labs (UK) Formaldehyde & Malachite Green used for Fungal & Protozoal infections in Pond fish. Note can be used with tropicals with care as it is easy to overdose Harmful to Orfe, Rudd, Tench and Stergeons/Sterlets

Koi Care Gillwash by NT Labs (UK) Benzalkionium chloride used for Bacterial Gill infections in Pond Fish. Note Harmful to nitrifying bacteria; use half dose in soft water.

Koi Care Malachite Green by NT Labs (UK) Malachite Green used for Fungal & external Parasite infections in Pond Fish.

Koi Care Ulcer-Swab by NT Labs (UK) Benzalkonium chloride & Providone used as a cleaner of wounds on Pond Fish. Note Apply directly to fish, do not dose pond

Koi Care Wound Seal by NT Labs (UK) Zinc cream used to seal wounds and promote healing in Pond Fish. Note Apply directly to fish, do not dose pond

Maracyn 1 by Mardel (USA) Erythromicin used for Bacterial infections

Maracyn 2 by Mardel (USA) Minocycline used for Bacterial infections

Metrozol by Aquatrol (USA) Metronidazole used for HITH & External Protozoal infections

Mycopur by Sera (Europe/USA) Acriflavine, Copper chloride & Copper sulphate used for Flukes and Fungal Infections in Tropical freshwater fish. Note Harmful to nitrifying bacteria

Nitrofurazone by Aquatrol (USA) Nitrofurazone used for Bacterial infections

Omnisan by Sera (Europe/USA) Malachite Green used for Fungal & Ectoparasite infections in Pond Fish.

Oodinopur A by Sera (Europe/USA) Copper chloride & Copper sulphate used for Protozoal (Oodinum) Infections in Freshwater & Marine fish. Note Harmful to marine inverts

Paracide by NT Labs (UK) Citric acid, Cupric sulphate & Formaldehyde used for Protozoal & Fungal Infections in Pond fish. Note Harmful to inverts

Paracide Green by Argent (USA) p-P-benzylidene-N-N-dimethyalanine & Formalin used for Ectoparasite and Fungal infections.

Paragon 1 by Aquatronics (USA) Dibromohydroxymercuriluorescein & Malachite Green used for Ectoparasite infections.

Paragon 2 by Aquatronics (USA) Metronidazole, Neomycin sulphate, Furazolidone, Naladixic acid & Sodium chloride used as a wide range anti-bacterial and anti-parasitical treatment.

Prefuran (Furanace) by Argent (USA) Nifurpirnol used for Most Bacterial infections, HITH & Sarpolegnia.

Tetrafin Gold Med; goldfish Disease treatment by Tetra (UK) Formaldehyde & Malachite Green oxalate used for Flukes, External Bacterial, Protozoal & Fungal infections in Coldwater Aquarium fish.

White spot terminator (WS3) by Sinclair (UK) Acriflavine, Malachite Green & Quinine sulphate used for Protozoal Infections in Freshwater fish. Note Best used at 25-30C; Toxic to marine life

Zeemax by Jungle (USA) Sodium chloride, Nitrofurazone, Nitromersol, Triethylene glycol, Potassium permanganate & Acriflavine used as a wide range anti-bacterial and anti-parasitical treatment. Note Safe for species sensative to organophosphates.

I hope this has proved helpful in some way
Heres one to add

Flubenol 15, kill flukes, camulanus worms, tapeworms and other internal parasites.

Contains Flubendazole (produced from Flubenol premix containing Flubendazole 50%) and WILL kill snails
i got one. ANTI-FLUKE made buy aquarium products.

heals body flukes, lernaea, and argulus. Harmfull to invertebrates.
0,0- dimethyl
1- hydroxy
2- irichloromethyl phosphate

note: like the fluke tabs only a liquad.

You would have to ask wolf and william admin.
ok thanks wilder

heres a couple of others

wormer plus (uk) intestinal worms, so capillaria (nematoes), tape worms, anchor worms, parasitic flagellates, odinium, gill worms (gill flukes or trematoedes), snails and hydra.

active ingredient

Levamisole Hydrochloride(uk)(us) internal parasites
Clout tabs ich, epistylis, digentic flukes, trichodina, monogenetic flukes, hexamita, parasitic copepods, argulus, planaria, leeches, body fungus, hydra, lernia and tetrahymena. Inverts must be removed from the treated aquarium until at least 72 hours after treatment is complete. Use cautiously with lionfish, piranha and marine sharks.Do not overdose

active ingredients
Phenylbenzylindene, dimethyl, phosphonate, methylnitro and inert ingredients as non-toxic binders

jungle labs Tank Buddies Ick Clear Tabs(US)
Victoria green and acriflavine

jungle labs Tank Buddies Fungus Clear Tablets(US)- Furunculosis (open red sores), eye cloud (white hazy film on eyes), popeye (enlarged eyes), swim bladder disease (fish swims on side or upside down).

Nitrofurazone, furazolidone, potassium dichromate

jungle labs Tank Buddies Parasite Clear Tablets(US)-Fish are thin, weak, listless, swim aimlessly, dart wildly, have spasms, mucous at gill, fins closed, held closed to body, skin irrated, scrape against objects, red spots on fins, gills hang partially open, pump fast, tiny bubble-like lumps slowly move on skin/fins, small black specks on skin, tiny threadlike worm hang from body

Dimethyl Phosphate, N-2, 6-Diflourobenzamide, Metronidazole and Acriflavin
What about ParaGard, by Seachem, and Melafix by API? I need to know if it's safe to mix the two?
the only active ingredient for paraguard I can find is
aldehyde (10% by weight)
as melafix is 100% natural
I'd assume that you can use it together with any other med,
as least I not had a problem using melafix with other meds.
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