The 11 hr move was a success!


Fish Gatherer
Nov 7, 2003
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just became an american *play dramatic music*
We arrived at our final destination yesterday and eagerly opening up our fish that we sent on the plane for 4hrs(bare in mind we also drove 4hrs, then there was a 1.5 hr delay, etc). I for sure thought they would arrive dead with all the mess that was invovled:
Firts, all the personnel at the airport said they had never shipped live fish before(it's just fish in a box, how hard is it to be extra careful and leave it right side up?)then the plane could not insure the fish nor could they put them in cargo with the other pets cus it was closed, then we had to pay $40 extra to ship them b/c they were alive even though they wouldn't be handled any differently then our suitcases. So we paid and went on our way. We continue on to security with our 3 bettas and 5 guppies in tupperware containers inside a cooler( we figured we would have more of a chance of these fish surviving so we took our favorites with us as carry-on) . Now this cooler was small and could easily fit under the xray machine, but me and b/f forgot to mention there was fish inside . So me and b/f both get caught up in metal detacters b/c of our belts, etc. We finally get to our carry on and the bag is soaking with water b/c they put it on it side! We madly dashed to our cooler to put it up right, look inside and our guppies were flicking around with no water in their bowl! So we quickly took out all the containers and poured the water from the bottom of the cooler back in. Wew! After this i thought for sure that box being shipped would be tossed around and arrive upside down as well. Then our flight was delayed by 40mins, and the drive home was another 30mins, making our fish be in the bags for almost 11 hrs not the original 9 hrs we planned for them.
So we get home, and most of the bags had air that excaped, but the fish were all fine and very hungry.
Lets just say the Lord works in mysterious ways.... :clap:
I'm glad to hear that all your fishy's made it :D ....BTW where did you move...Did you leave CANADA......
Fantastic. Its absolutely amazing what the fish can survive and what we as completely sane :shifty: :rolleyes: people will do to get our fish safely to the aquarium. :) Great story hope all continues to go well.
G_Sharky said:
I'm glad to hear that all your fishy's made it :D ....BTW where did you move...Did you leave CANADA......
We moved from northern ontario to Montreal Quebec. Driving there would've been 32hrs so we did take the shorter route.

Tropjunky, I sure hope I don't have to do it again ;) They survived b/c we packed with as much air(using an air pump) as we could and only 1/4 water. Then we put them ina styrofoam box to preserve heat.
Wow, congrats on getting all the fish there safely! :nod: Not an easy thing to do, but I'm glad to hear everything worked out :)
Great job getting your fish moved!! That's exciting that they all made it safe and sound...we moved across town three years ago and I was a nervous wreck the whole time! Glad to hear it went well.

What's the problem with them being in bags for awhile? Sure, it's not ideal, but how do you thing they get to the lfs in the first place Tropjunky? :huh:
Hi snowyangel :)

I'm so glad that you and your fishy friends arrived safely! :nod:

How are you going to take care of them now? Are your tanks there, or when will they arrive? What about cycling? :dunno:
Inchworm said:
Hi snowyangel :)

I'm so glad that you and your fishy friends arrived safely! :nod:

How are you going to take care of them now? Are your tanks there, or when will they arrive? What about cycling? :dunno:
Inchworm you should know me better than that :p. I had a 35gallon waiting that had been setup and cycling with fish for 2months prior to arriving, then we set up our 25 gallon by using some water from the 35g and used filter media i shipped from home from my original setup. Don't worry, all fish are fine and we tested our water already and everythings ok. :thumbs: But now that we have more space I indulged in 6 more khuli loaches :*) It was a good deal, really!
snowyangel said:
We moved from northern ontario to Montreal Quebec. Driving there would've been 32hrs so we did take the shorter route.

Tropjunky, I sure hope I don't have to do it again ;) They survived b/c we packed with as much air(using an air pump) as we could and only 1/4 water. Then we put them ina styrofoam box to preserve heat.
Ahh... Good old Montreal :D

Glad to see the move worked out.

Now you'll just have to practice your french...
Well done snowy - it's a hassle trying to move fish a distance, but you've proved to us all that with the right preparations, it can be done successfully. I'm sure that your fish will enjoy their new home just as much as you will. Congrats.

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