Thats Just Great


Fish Gatherer
May 7, 2010
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okay, so my nan has taken my frozen foods out the freezer which was about 5-6 hours ago so now it is all useless. :angry:
she did this with my bloodworms for my trops before, so annoying :sad:

so now im gonna have to throw it away and get some more soon, and it was almost full aswell
i think she was putting shoppin away, first time im like ok that happens but 2-seriously :unsure:
Make her buy you some zoas for compensation :lol:
good one Liam, but my clowns need some food
i think i might see if i can get some after my exam tomorrow-she best be paying :shifty:
It might be ok to use, I have read some people defrosting loads of different frozen foods, putting in ice cube trays so they have a mixed cube instead! Dont throw it yet!
trust me 6 hours out of freezer :blink:
in 2 hours all the blood juices were out of the bloodworms :sick:
They're sealed I have thawed them out completely then used when re-frozen, in fact one of the ones I am using at the mo was left in a hot car for a few hours. Can't see there is any issue if the air hasn't got to it
okay, so my nan has taken my frozen foods out the freezer which was about 5-6 hours ago so now it is all useless. :angry:
she did this with my bloodworms for my trops before, so annoying :sad:

so now im gonna have to throw it away and get some more soon, and it was almost full aswell
nans are like that, when i was about 16 (2 or 3 yrs ago :lol: ) i built myself an aviary for foreign finches and for some unknown reason my nan decided to go into the flight, and despite having a safety area , she somehow managed to leave both doors open, near enough every finch took great advantage of this, i was gutted

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