Thanks to this site

Rob 28

Fish Fanatic
Apr 3, 2004
Reaction score
My tank cycled today ! Two days ago my niTRITES were upto 1ppm and NiTRATES only 5ppm. Today my niTRITES are down to almost nil and my nitRATES have shot upto 20ppm. It feels good ! I thought it would take forever.

Anyway, just wanted to share that with you - im sure im not the first and wont be the last.........have found this site extremely helpful indeed being a beginner and it has put my mind at rest about concerns. Thanks to this site and those who helped.



P.s. - can i get some cory's for Easter ?! B)
Congrats - there's nothing quite like that feeling when your tank has finally cycled. Go get your corries - I'm sure that they'll love their new home. How big is the tank coz they are shoaling fish and do bes when in groups of at least 4.
Got a 50 g so will get about 6


Yes the Easter bunny does deliver fish but the chocolate coating will cloud your water and unless you like coconut you won't like the insides either.

Hi Rob 28.....

Congrats on the cycled tank! :) I too always get excited when my tank is ready for fish! This site too has been extremely helpful to me

By the way Cories rock!
OK, I've just gone out and bought 3 ancistrus (bushy nose catfish) and 4 corydoras julii.

Read that corys like sand substrate. I have standard aquarium gravel though it is not paricularly sharp.

Will this be a problem and should i get some sand and put it in one corner of the tank ?

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