Thanks for the tips


Fish Addict
Dec 17, 2004
Reaction score
Holmsund, Sweden
I want to thank those that helped me and we shall see if those fruits come to bear. I got 3 Pakistan Botia (Yoyo loaches) from my lfs. I love those little guys already! Finally my male Swordtail is being chased instead of doing all the chasing. Those little dudes even get my 8" pleco off his lazy butt! Not sure the Tetras are so keen on them though. Oh well! Neons and Glowlights are very boring even if they are colorful. The Blackwidows Tetras seem to give them a bit of sport and chase back once in a while. I hope they get to the snails soon since I stopped removing them so the Yoyos would have something to do. Again Thanks for the tips! :D :D
In order for my yoyos to get a taste for the snails, I plucked a few out and then crushed their shells and dropped them back in so that the yoyos had easy access to the snail's deliciously, delicate insides. :sick:
After that, they figured out how to get the snails. :clap:
Those loaches will get to the snails very soon I'm sure :)
Should I skip a feeding or two to get them going? I have seen them looking at the snails but not doing much, could it be they are getting enough food as it is so they do not go after them? I have a Swordtail that is getting near to birthing so I do not want to starve her or put her in the breeding trap too soon.
That could be, loaches don't seem to eat themselves to death like some fish.
I tried the crushing bit but when I dumped them back in the yoyos were to busy chasing everyone so the glowlights ate them instead. On my second try one yoyo found a snail and said gobble thank you. So maybe they will get the hint, I will try a few more times, Thanks :)
paulthegreat said:
I tried the crushing bit but when I dumped them back in the yoyos were to busy chasing everyone so the glowlights ate them instead. On my second try one yoyo found a snail and said gobble thank you. So maybe they will get the hint, I will try a few more times, Thanks :)
They'll get around to it. Clown loaches are bigger pigs but they are to large for your size tank.

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