Thanks For Help


Fish Fanatic
Apr 25, 2008
Reaction score
Lincolnshire, UK
Hi all,

I would like to thank a number of you for your help and advice recently. I looked into setting up a marine system and asked a lot of questions before going ahead with it and also read various articles. The advice I recieved was top notch and so much so I have decided NOT to set up a marine system YET and have decided to have a couple of years with a tropical system to gain some experience.

This is mainly from advice from a number of you and I think you have probably saved me some hard earned cash in the long run :)

Anyway just wanted to say thanks and hopefully will be back here soon :)

The Rena Aqualife now in mahogany (don't ask!!!) with tropical :)

Personally Se 7..... I have almost 40 years experience with tropicals & still do not feel myself qualified to move into the marine world ..... good choice... It could be an expesive learning curb if you don't have the experience yet.....
Personally Se 7..... I have almost 40 years experience with tropicals & still do not feel myself qualified to move into the marine world ..... good choice... It could be an expesive learning curb if you don't have the experience yet.....

I think the main thing that you need with marine is a lot of spare time to maintain them, your experience I am sure will make a hell of a difference over my big fat zero :) I am still learning basics like water changing, catching fish, tank layouts, feeding, buying, cleaning, dealing with the wife... :)
Personally Se 7..... I have almost 40 years experience with tropicals & still do not feel myself qualified to move into the marine world ..... good choice... It could be an expesive learning curb if you don't have the experience yet.....

I think the main thing that you need with marine is a lot of spare time to maintain them, your experience I am sure will make a hell of a difference over my big fat zero :) I am still learning basics like water changing, catching fish, tank layouts, feeding, buying, cleaning, dealing with the wife... :)

Yep!!.... esp for the latter,..... you're gonna save a lotta money.....
There's nothing that difficult about marines at all, I think too many people associate keeping SW with keeping some huge Acropora farm tank.

For a simple FOWLR just replace a filter with live rock and powerheads and then remember to put salt in the water. Other than that it is exactly the same as keeping FW.

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