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Oct 14, 2024
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So a little background. Growing up, Dad always had a tank, from a tropical Angel/tetras/plecos, to "big" guppy community, and a native fish tank. As a kid I was always drawn to the saltwater section of the Local Fish Stores, but of Dad's tanks, the native one was my favorite. We're in NE Indiana, and he's a big Bass fisherman so we caught a couple small largemouth and bluegill from the pond out back and put them in a tank in the living room. We would catch minnows from some of the big lakes around here to feed them until they got to big for the tank and we let them go.

Anyway, a few years back I started a new job, with the extra income I decided it was time to have a tank in the house. Having always wanted saltwater as a kid I decided to start a budget reef tank. My brother grabbed me a nearly free 10g from a garage sale and I picked up an aquaclear70, sand, rock, and a clownfish... fast forward a few years/tanks and my local saltwater store gets a wild green sailfin molly in and I had to have it. The standard mollies you see in stores had never caught my eye, but the wild-type definitely had my heart. Most people I talk to say that between Fresh and Salt, Saltwater fish stand out as the most eye catching and pretty, but the wild sailfin really opened my eyes to how beautiful some of the less common "common" freshwater fish can be. I really want to expand into more of wild-type mollies, just not sure where to source them. I checked the forum rules but I'm still a bit unclear on if mentioning store names is against the rules here. But I've talked to a place in Oregon that might have some coming in later this month, I'm hoping to hear back from them then.

So here we are present day, I have nearly a dozen tanks in the house, about 50/50 salt and fresh and ranging from 2.5 to 80g all on HOB or canisters, but I have a 29/20L double stand planned for my first step into a very basic diy sump setup. Here's a few pics of my first sailfin in my macroalgae saltwater tank, my El Silverado Endler tank, my dresser 20L mixed reef tank and the next tank setup.


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  • First Sump setup.jpg
    First Sump setup.jpg
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Well, welcome to TFF...:hi:
I've got those El silverado endlers also for years...
I'm curious about the red type of plant in the sailfin pic.
Well, welcome to TFF...:hi:
I've got those El silverado endlers also for years...
I'm curious about the red type of plant in the sailfin pic.
I've had these El Silverados about a year now, of all the P. Wingei types I'd seen, I liked them most. I would like to get some more eventually to diversity but most I've seen on Aquabid have a black line/dot near the pelvic fin and these don't.

The red plant I believe is Gracilaria parvispora, a type of saltwater macroalgae. It was simply labeled as "red branching macro" when I got it at my local fish store. So I'm guessing on the particular type based on a little searching.


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    el silverados.jpg
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  • parvispora.jpg
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