Thank you


Fish Addict
Aug 9, 2004
Reaction score
thanks for all your help and tips bout breeding my bnose, i will be hav having my first fry is bout 2 days :D
i couldnt believe it.
Well thanks alot guys, will let you know how they are doing.
good news.... it may take him a few trys to get it right... our male dragged the first spawn in to the open and everyone dug in :( - saved about 12 eggs and raised them in another tank (we got 10 bristles from that spawn)

the next time he was fanning the eggs fine but when they hatched he was fanning so much he was shooting the poor little buggers out of the end of the tube... to get eaten. we saved about 28 but lost loads to a toxic cucumber incident. we've got 12 left now.

third time lucky I hope!

once the start, they should keep doing it avery 4-5 weeks.
WOW! you must get over-run with babies.

I got 2 platie fry - my only ones ever and they get me real excited. I'd pop with excitement if I had that may little ones to look after. B)
looking after them is the bit we're still trying to nail...

we've got 22 fry at teh moment from 2 spawns.

She's looking fat again too - more eggs in a few days i think :)
Cavafish dont get to exctied. Breeding them isnt as easy as people say. They will deffinatly breed, but you got no idea when lol

Smith half the eggs have already been eaten by the other male which is in another tank now, YOU NEVER TOLD ME BOUT THAT! LOL nah dw bout. Next Spawn i will know what to do.

And also, When taking the fry out i cant really take his cave can I? will he go back to it when i put it back in? i will need to take his log out to put the fry into the other tank, i am just worried that if i do the male wont return and will have to find a home all over again. Which will take 4ever in my case!!! lol
get some tube for them - then the eggs will be safe from others.

we've just (as in tonight) had our 3rd spawd :D :D

hopefully he'll get it right this time

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